13. girls night

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"And then the bastard suddenly grabs me by the waist and lifts me up!"

"No way!" She exclaims.

"Yes way." I nod

"I can't believe it." Alana says while continuing to eat her pint of Ben & Jerry's on the couch.

After baking Shawn some muffins, him cleaning up the kitchen and agreeing with him that he'll go out to have dinner with Brian, I decided to have a girls night with Al to catch up on, well, a lot of things.

"Oh just wait, there's more, I then asked him what the hell he was doing and then he tries to, I don't know, seduce me or something and whispers in my ear "just what you asked me, I'm helping you." like I wanted him to do that." I almost scream in disbelief and throw my arms down after making big gestures with them.

"Shut the front door, and what happend afterwards, because I can definitely feel the sexual tension there. Wait don't tell me you guys had a big make out session." Al smirks at me and wiggles her eyebrows.

"God no I'll rather have my fingers cut off when chopping onions. Don't even bring that up." I say disgusted by the thought of Shawn and me kissing.

"Oh come on, I know he's a bitch and all but you got to admit that god took his time while creating him because that jawline, hmm, so sharp." She says dreamily before I snap her out of her thoughts.

"Wow there, I think you've got a man yourself don't you." I raise my eyebrows at her.

"Who? Me? No." She says and clicks the volume for the tv louder. We were currently rewatching the latest episode of Riverdale.

"Don't pull that sarcastic act on me Al, you can't fool me. Admit it you like him."

"Yeah whatever, he aight." And I can see her blush.

"I think he's more than aight?" I ask and fake cough "brianator" afterwards and clear my throat

"Sorry, the air is a bit dry today."

"Don't start." She looks at me sternly.

"Okay." And we both continue watching the show.

"Why were you in Shawn's apartment anyway?" I question.

"Brian said he had free food and a hot tub so why not." She shruggs.

"Was it...big tho?" I ask out of curiosity.

Alana gasps and throws a pillow at me. "Dominique Elizabeth Bay Clark. How dare you!"

"I was talking about the hot tub jesus." I say while cracking up. Al stands up and walks to the kitchen.

"Yes it was a pretty big hot tub." She says.

"Nice, and the other thing?" I question.

"Let's just say I called him Brianator for a reason." She says from the kitchen and I almost fall from the couch from laughing.

But my laughter soon dies when I hear someone knocking on the door.

I stare with a questioning look at Al who comes walking back from the kitchen with another pint of Ben & Jerry's.

"Did you expect someone?" I ask and she shakes her head no. I get myself back on my feet and walk towards the door and open it. To my surprise I see Joe with a grocery bag stuffed with food.

"Joseph what a pleasant surprise." I say and let him walk in.

"Sup Dom, I see you finally found Alana." And he walks to the living room and drops himself on the couch making himself at home.

"Unfortunately." I say and I steal her ice cream.

"Hey, I was eating that." Al whines.

"Isn't there like two more in the freezer?" I ask, and she stands back up and walks to the kitchen again. Satisfied with my ice
cream, I advert my attention to the TV where I see Jughead looking hot as ever in a suit. But my fangirlmoment gets interrupted again by a loud knock on the door.

I groan "Joe can you please be the best friend ever and open the door."

"Do I have to?" And I stare at him with my secret weapon, my puppy eyes.
He sighs and walks to the door and opens it.

"Thank you Joe love you." I say and there is this big silence afterwards. I begin to question who the person at the door may be and eventually walk towards the door.

"Shawn?" I say suprised, his jaw is tightened and his gaze is set on Joe, and Joe's gaze is set on me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask trying to make this weird situation a bit less weird.

"Alana left something at my apartment and Brian was going to bring it but that idiot fell asleep and asked me to bring it."
He says never looking at me.

"Oh okay what is it?" And he pulls out plastic bag from behind him, hands it to me and our hands slightly touch, feeling all tingly.

"Didn't you tell me that you were having a girls night?" Shawn asks still looking at Joe.

"Yes, I was, I mean I am but Joe decided to join." I explain.

"Yeah do you like to join with us, it sucks always being the only dude here." Joe asks finally speaking up after that stare competition.

"No I'll pass, I have stuff to do." Shawn says quickly.

"Oh what for stuff?" I ask.

"Just, you know, stuff." And I can tell he's lying.

"It's cool man, maybe some other time." Joe smiles and pats him on the shoulder, how can someone be that friendly?

"Yeah sure, I see you tomorrow Dominique." And he walks off.

"See ya!" Joe screams through the hallway and closes the door.

"Who was at the door?" Al asks coming back with three new pints of ice cream.

"Santa Clause and he brought gifts" I throw the bag towards Al.

"Oh really." She exclaims and looks in the bag, and her facial expression changes.

"What's in it?" Joe asks and begins eating the food he brought and the ice cream.

"Uhm nothing." And she quickly hides it but I snatch the bag out of her hands and look in it.

Red lacy lingerie.

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Sup hunbuns
It's 3 am and this is a filler chapter bc I dont know what im doing with this book and its all just a big yolo.
Catch y'all later 🥀

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