17. orange juice

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Come by tomorrow

What the actual fuck?

"Uhm Joe" I begin and show him my phone screen and he gives me the same puzzled look I have on my face right now.

"Is he implying that he wants to hang out with you too?"

I contemplate that thought "or maybe he just wants me to make him some food right?" I say.

"I mean is he though? Doesn't he ask you that in a different way?" he says with a smirk on his face.

"Well" and I pause for a moment.

"You know you can just ask him right?" He states and I nod.

I unlock my phone and begin typing.

To satan:
ok why?

I put my phone back and focus on the movie again. We're at the part in the movie where the mother walks down the stairs of the attic and I already know that something is going to happen.
How stupid are you to go down there alone? Just when the jumpscare part comes on my phone goes off and I scream and Joe screams with me.

"Holy shit you scared the crap out of me!" Joe exclaims while I'm still trying to recover from my heart attack.

I grab my phone and see that the devil himself is calling me and I unlock my phone to answer the call.

"you scared the living hell out of me." I say and I hear him chuckle.

"How? I didn't remember showing you a picture of yourself." And I roll my eyes even though I know he can't see me.

"What do you want?"

"Just wanted to tell you that I got something planned for you tomorrow."

"Something planned?" I question in confusion.

"You'll see it tomorrow be here at 10."

"What do you mean?" I say waiting for an answer but after a moment I realize he already hang up on me. That bitch.

"So what's up?" Joe asks me while stuffing another donut into his mouth.

I huff "I guess I have to find out tomorrow." And I lay back to finish watching the movie and feel my eyes getting heavier.


Waking up with an alarm clock is the best feeling ever. I mean not this early but without Alana slapping me awake of course. Speaking of Alana I really miss her being around here all the time. I'm glad she's happy with Brian, they're perfect for each other. But now I have to make my own breakfast even though she promised to make mine for atleast two whole weeks.

I turn around and see that I fell asleep on the couch again and see Joe almost laying on the floor. I laugh to myself and walk towards the bathroom to do my morning routine as usual. I walk towards my closet and pick out my outfit for today. Because I don't know what the hell Shawn has planned I decide to wear a pair of ripped black jeans with a white knit sweater on top.

I don't know why I keep thinking about what is going to happen today and what Shawn has planned. It almost feels like excitement, but who am I kidding. It's probably something stupid anyways.
But I can't stop my mind from thinking that it isn't. I definitely need some coffee.

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