6. moving

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"Shawn where do you want your Harry Potter collection?" My mom yells from my bedroom while I'm carrying the final boxes into the living room.

I groan "Mom stop yelling!" I don't even know why I asked her to help me with moving, I love her but she gets me all stressed out in these situations. I could have asked my dad but he was really busy with work and Brian was too busy planning on how to ask out the girl he has been crushing on for days.

She walks into the room "Are you sure you don't want me to help you unpack?" She asks as she looks around the room.

"No mom I'm fine and besides Brian is coming to help." I lie so she could leave me in peace.

"Well if you say so, you can call me anytime okay?" She asks and I nod my head "Then I'll be leaving, I have to pick up Aaliyah soon." She says while opening the front door, about to walk out when a question popped into my mind.

"Wait where's Aaliyah anyways?" I question.

"Oh I dropped her off by a babysitter in town." She says smiling.

"A babysitter?" I ask in confusion.

"Yes a babysitter, it's lovely girl around your age and very pretty too." She says and grins at me. "But I have to leave now otherwise I'll be late. Goodbye honey."
I say my goodbye and close the door.

I turn around and notice that they're a lot more boxes than I expected there to be.
I sigh, I'm never going to finish this in time before my party starts. I grab my phone and dial a series of numbers.

"Speaking to the one and only Brianator." Brian says through the phone and I roll my eyes even though I know he can't see me.

"You know that no one calls you that right?" I say in a matter of fact way.

"Yes I'm aware of that but I'm trying to make it a thing so just go with it." He says making me chuckle. What an idiot.

"Whatever I need you to come over and help me unpack before the housewarming party begins."

"Dude you know I can't and you actually need to help me. A week has passed and you still need to help me get the girl." He whines "And besides isn't the party in like four hours?"

"Yeah that's why I need your help. Okay let's make a deal. You come help me unpack and finish everything before the party starts and I'll help you get the girl." I say trying to convince him to come.

"But how are we going to do that?" He questions.

"Simple, just ask her to come to the party, see you in ten." I say and hang up.



I drive home and open the front door.
In my surprise I see Alana all dressed up. She wore a white crop top with a maroon colored suede bomber jacket and a pair of black skinny jeans.

"Someone is looking good." I say in approval. She notices my presence and squeals.

"Oh my god Dom you have no idea what just happend." She says and rushes over to me.

"Brian accepted your request on facebook?" I question.

"Yes but there's more, he asked me to go to a friend's party nearby." She says in excitement.

"What Al that's great! But how did this happen?" I say, I've only been away for a couple hours and she already got a date. This girl has some tricks that she needs to learn me.

"Well we kind of started talking through facebook and we exchanged numbers.
So later on today he called me asking if I would be interested being his date for the party." She says really excited.

"But there's one favor I need to ask you."
She says. oh oh this can't be good.

"I didn't want to go alone and be surrounded by strangers, so I uhm" she trails off.

"Well?" I ask, being curious as hell.

"I kind of want you and Joe to come with me." She says sheepishly.

"Al I'm extremely tired after babysitting and because of that I missed my daily nap. Going to a party would be the last thing I want right now and besides I have an early shift tomorrow." I say, really not feeling like partying even though I was always the one who would throw the best parties and go out all night.

"But Joe is already on his way and if you don't go he'll be third wheeling." she begs.

"Please, please, please, I'll make you breakfast for a whole week." She says trying to convince me over. All I wanted to do was lay in bed and watch Teen Wolf but no that was too much to ask.

"Fine, make it two weeks and I'll go."
I give in and walk to my room already stressing out over what to wear.

But first I need to shower, I do my usual routine and walk out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped around me.
I decided to go casual and pick out my ripped boyfriend jeans and pair it with a black off the shoulder top. I do a natural make up look, brush my hair and let it dry naturally. I slip on my vans and just in time I see Joe and Alana walk into my room.

"You ready?" They say in unison. God twins.

I sigh "never been more ready in my life, let's go." And we head off to the party.

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Sup muggles
This is a filler chapter and so short omg. school is asdhdjfldb. And again shoutout to lotpshawn  for helping me ya know.
Catch y'all later 🥀

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