20. dinner for four

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I could feel shawn tense up beside me and in fact I did too, even though I had nothing to be scared about.

The silence was broken by Aaliyah looking from rather confused to smiling from ear to ear.

"Dom!" she exclaimed and walks towards me giving me a hug.

"Hey Aaliyah" I say, not sure how to handle this situation.

Karen stared at our interaction and then looked at shawn. In the corner of my eye I can see him think, that's a first, probably making up an excuse to why I'm here.
He better not say I'm his girlfriend.

"Hi Karen." I greet her giving shawn more time. Her gaze switches between me and shawn before giving me a warm smile.

"Hi Dominique what a nice surprise"
She says and sounds genuine. "But what are you doing here?" I was about to reply but Shawn beat me to it.

"Yeah she's here for uh-" shawn gets cut off by Aaliyah.

"Oh shawn it smells so good in here."
And she walks in further while she's dragging me with her, going to the table I set up. I can hear shawn mumble something underneath his breath.

"Yes Shawn it smells great! I didn't know you could cook so well?" I say and he glares at me, his eyes turning a dark shade of brown, while I'm trying to hold in my laughter.

Karen walks towards us as well after she put down her bag and coat. Her eyes gaze over the table. "Shawn this looks outstanding." And now I only realize that she has a thick british accent.

"Yes thanks everyone but I think it's time for Dominique to head out, right?" And his eyes stare at me, almost yelling that I should go and I simply nod my head.

"Oh honey why don't you stay for dinner?" Karen asks, I was about to say no when aaliyah joins in.

"Yes Dom please stay for dinner we have a lot to catch up on." And I was actually considering staying, mostly to tick off shawn.

"Maybe I could stay for just a bit."

"But-" Shawn says but gets cut off.

"Okay it's settled then, Shawn can you set a place for her?" Karen says and gives me a wink and shawn walks away grabbing my stuff before setting it in front of me.

Aaliyah sits in front of me besides Karen who sits opposite from Shawn. Everything is finally settled and we start eating.

"So Dominique how have you been?" Karen starts while putting some mashed potatoes on her plate.

"I've been alright yeah." I smile softly, waiting for Karen to ask me why I'm even in this household.

"That's good to hear, have you found a new job yet? Because Aaliyah over here can't be alone without causing trouble."

"It was one time!" Aaliyah exclaims.

"Yes one time but you got a bus ban and that poor lady lost her denture because of you." Karen states with a stern look on her face while Aaliyah groans in annoyance. I glance over at Shawn and I see him covering up his laughter with his hand.

"Okay let's not talk about this right now." Karen says and taking a bite from her chicken.

"fine" Aaliyah huffs and takes a bite from her chicken too while I was waiting for a response.

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