7. life of the party

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We arrive at the party and I could already smell the scent of alcohol and body sweat all the way from the elevator.
Alana opens the door and we walk in.
I look around and see that this place is huge and when I say huge I mean ginormous.

The living room is already the size of my whole apartment and there's a balcony where I see lots of people smoking.
Everybody is dancing and grinding on each other and I spot pink cups everywhere. They're blasting out Rockin' by The Weeknd.

"This is nice." I say in awe but still regretting my decision to come. Al probably noticed my mood.

"Come on Dom just have some fun and let loose." Alana says and she walks over to the kitchen where all the drinks are, even the god damn kitchen is huge. I follow her with Joe by my side.

"Brian!" I hear Alana say, they greeted and hugged each other, and they stayed in the hugging position for quite a while before I cleared my throat.

"Oh, I almost forgot, this is my twin brother Joe." She points to Joe and they bro hugged. "And this is Dominique but I guess you already know how she is." She says mentioning to what happend at the restaurant and I just stand there and smile awkwardly, he'll probably think I'm some sort of weird girl with anger issues.

He chuckles "Yes you're the girl who stood up against Shawn, you know you really have some balls for doing that. He was really pissed off since you turned down his offer, but finally someone showed him that he can't get everything he wants." and he high fives me.

"Yeah well I try." I joke and feel myself getting more into the party vibe, maybe this is not that bad after all.

"Okay let's go dance." Alana says and drags Brian with her to the dance floor.

I pour myself a drink and when I turn around I see Joe already talking to a group of guys. He was the type of kid who could make friends in no time.

I huff and pour the liquid down my throat, as I was about to make myself another drink someone pushes me aside which makes me spill the content all over myself.

"What the fuck?" I say and turn around, only to meet the son of bitch. It totally slipped my mind that Shawn would be attending this party too because of his friendship with Brian. I mentally slap myself for forgetting.

"Bro you're such a pussy." Another boy says who probably shoved him against me.

"I'm so sorry." He says and laughs showing his perfect teeth but as soon as he recognizes who I am his smile falters.

"You" he says and stops to eye my body.

"Yeah, it's me and my eyes are up here pretty boy." I say and snap my fingers in front of his face which makes his gaze shift from my breast to my face.

"What are you doing here?" He says confused.

"Your dad" I respond and walk past him to wash off the drink that got spilled all over my top.

"Mind if I join you with that?" He says and walks over to me with a smirk plastered on his face.

I ignore him "Come on I was just joking that would be so messed up."
He says clearly not seeing how he ruined my little happiness I had left for today.
I clean my top and he elbows me playfully, I glare at him before walking towards the bar table and sitting on a stool pulling out my phone.

"God, you're no fun at all." He says while taking a seat besides me. Couldn't he take a hint?

"I'm fun when I'm around fun people." I say looking at him and he just grins at me.

"So are you indicating that I'm not fun?" He says in amusement.

"Correct, you aren't that dumb as I thought you were." I say feeling myself getting a bit tipsy when suddenly he grabs my hand and drags me to the dance floor.

"Dance with me" he shouts over the loud music.

"I don't dance." I say and look around me.
I see Alana and Brian dancing and laughing together. At least one of us is having fun at this party.

"Come on why can't you just enjoy the moment and be the life of the party." He says and I roll my eyes at him.

"Oh I can be the life of the party believe me." I say and he smirks at me again, is his face stuck in that expression?

"Show me then." I look around and spot a beer pong table set up. Oh this could be fun. I walk towards the table and see Shawn follow me clearly knowing what I have planned.

"Are you sure about this honey? They say I'm the undefeated beer pong master." He says being cocky as always.

"Well I think that's going to change tonight sweetheart." I say and grab a ping pong ball. I was known for winning every beer pong game there was at high school parties, they even started betting on who would win and let's just say I earned some cash.

"Okay let's see it." He says focusing on the ball. I threw the ball and it bounced perfectly in the middle red cup. I see his expression change.

"Beginners luck" he says and gulps down the beverage.

He takes the ball and it goes straight into one of my cups. He grins in relief.

"Bottoms up." and I swallow the burning liquid down my throat. Pure vodka.

The game goes on until they're are only two cups left, one on my side and one on his. It's my turn to throw the ball and I can see that it's getting crowded around me.

I try to concentrate even though it was impossible after the many shots I took during this game. Come on Dom keep your head in the game, I say to myself.

I bounce the ball on the table and it feels like everything went in slow motion, the ball bounces perfectly in Shawn's cup and the crowd cheers while I feel myself relax.

"Who is the life of the party now huh?" I say and smirk at Shawn. He looks at me in shock because his streak of winning beer pong was now ruined by me.

I feel someone grabbing my waist and I turn around to meet a drunk Joe.
"Great job Dom!" He says and I hug him with relief that I won the game. I see Alana and Brian cheering for me from behind him. I turn around and see shawn's face drop, he drinks his cup empty, throws it on the ground and storms away.

I guess someone is a sore loser.

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Sup muggles
i swear i didnt mean to include all gringy song references.
Catch y'all later 🥀

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