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Emily's POV

"Emily wait...." Macy said saddly. She tried to stop me but I shook her off and walked to the front door of my Mom's 2 story house in Beverly Hills. I was hesitant to knock but I did it anyway cause I was already crying...What could go wrong? My cheerful mother opened to the door and peered at me.

"Emily Madeline Short. What are you doing here at 12 in the morning?" She questioned with a smile. "I sort of had a fallout with Macy, so I decided to come here." I said smug. "Well, Come in then!" She said as she nearly pulled me into the house.

I walked in slowly, but surely and looked aroung. It looked so different from when I lived here before college. I was trying to run up to my room, but she made me follow her into the kitchen and made me help her with making cookies.

"Come on, Em!" She exclaimed excited. "So, what have you been up to lately?" "Well, I have been rooming with Macy and my classes are easy as ever. Oh and the only friend I actually have is Macy." I said emotionless. "Cheer up, my flower! Everything will be just fine." I almost forgot how hippie my Mother was.

We continued to make cookies as I asked if I could revisit my room. She smiled as she said sure and I ran up to my room. There was a canopy bed as soon as you walked in and there were posters of boy bands I liked when I was younger. The room was really clean and I don't even remember cleaning it up before I left. I was looking around and found my old diary. I opened up to a random page and it read,

Note to self: Your Prince will come. Even if he is a jerk, he might just be sexy so therefore, don't give up on those you like. Oh and remember to not hold grudges :)

I laughed at that statement cause it was so relevant to my current situation. I plopped down on my bed and stared at the Black Canopy Lining.

Man. What possesed me to pick black? I then remeber the bullying that I used to go through in the 9th and 10th grade.


I sat with my friends, Anne and Mike and we ate our sandwiches. "Emily!" I heard someone yell as a plate of noodles hit my face. It was all in my hair and on my glasses.

"OH MY FUCKING GOSH! I HATE ALL OF YOU!" I screamed as I ran out of the lunchroom with everyone laughing. Anne followed me into the restroom and tried to help get rid of the noodles. She kept saying "It's ok Em." and patting my back. When I was done crying she said, " Well, you did deserve it. You are basically the school slut."

I haven't seen her ever since.


I sighed heavily and walked out of the room into my brother's room. I looked around but I didn't see my brother, Eric. "Mom? Where's Eric?" I called down to her. "With his lady friend!" She said with complete exaggeration and almost disgust.

Wow. Eric was only 16 and has a girlfriend already. I came across a picture of him and he did look kind of cute. Like a little Zac Efron. I did a laughing noise and walked out of his room. The cookies were finally ready and me and Mom sat down to eat them. "So how is it going Mom?" I ask with my mouth full. "Oh nothing much. Not seeing anyone or anything. I just bake mostly. And Eric is such a handful but I manage." She said with a smile.

"Cool. His girlfriend any good?" I say with a smirk. "Well. She dresses slutish and she is like your age. I already tried to get him to stop seeing her but he wouldn't listen." She said sadly. "Man. That's weird cause he was so innocent. " I said confused. "Yeah. He was. But he was upset when you left and after that, he turned all bad boy-ish."

"Hm." I said smug. "Mom? Would you mind if I stayed here until things cool off with Macy?" "No! I would love to have you here!" She said smiling from ear to ear.

I then ran up to my room and turned on the tv. One direction's Liam and Harry have been spotted at The Hilton! They just had a show and meet and greet here in L.A. and any fans who want to see them, go to 794 S Hungington!

My phone miraculously buzzed and it was a text from Liam. 794 S Hungington. 6 o'clock. Tomorrow.

I jumped in almost excitement but the I remembered what he told me. Why am I happy over him? I thought. I sighed then quickly fell asleep.


Yayyyyy long chapterrr

Hope you people enjoy this crappy story and pleaseeee recommend that your friends read :)

I'll try to update every Wednesday or Saturday cuz I really need to get organized but anywaysssss

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