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Emily's POV

"What do you mean it won't be ready for another 2 weeks?!" I yelled at the lady on the other end that was 'helping' me with info on my car. "Your car has a lot and I mean a lot of damage from the crash. I'm sorry but we still have to work on a few technical difficulties with your engine and interior design." She tried to sound as calm and professional as possible, but I could tell me giving her a hard time, made that hard.

"Ugh. Ok. Just please call me when it is ready." I hung up and forcibly grabbed the T.V remote off of my desk. Why am I even worrying about my car when I can't even drive? Ugh. This injury is making everything so fucking difficult. I still need my car though. When I'm healed enough to drive that is.

I flipped to the news channel and something caught my eye:

One Direction just announced that they will be going on yet another tour next year! They will start in Europe and make their way back to America!

All you crazy fans start buying now!

I scoffed at the article. It's amazing how the universe finds a way to give me a break from Liam. 'If you won't forgive me, get out.' His words from yesterday replayed in my mind. I can't believe he actually expected for me to forgive him right away.

Well, you did before. My subconscious reminds me. That was my mistake then. I need him to see that hurting me will get him no where and I can't keep forgiving him whenever he needs it.

"Emily, did you hear what I said?" A sleepy Macy snaps me out of my trance. "Oh sorry. Zoned out. What did you say?"

"Harry wants to take me to this Arctic Monkeys concert downtown tonight. Are you alright staying here by yourself?" She seemed concerned about my well being and I nodded. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Have fun." I gave her a forced smile and she got up off of her bed. "It starts at 5 so I'll go start to get ready. If Harry knocks, just let him in as usual." I nodded and she headed off to the showers down the hall, towel in hand. I looked at the time and it was 3:50.

My phone suddenly buzzed and Liam's name popped up on my screen.


I'll pick you up at 7. Dress up please.

One minute he's upset, kicking me out of his car and the next he is trying to take me out? Yeah Right.

Sorry. Too busy.

I simply replied, expecting him to keep egging me on. And just as I suspected, my phone buzzed, this time, him calling.

"It was a demand. Not a question." He snaps before I could even open my mouth. "I will not be going anywhere with a rude prick." I spat just as harsh. He took a sharp breath in and continued. "Just please be ready by 7. You don't have to be so stubborn." I could hear him rolling his eyes. "Whatever." I said with a major attitude, hung up, and threw my phone onto Macy's bed. I covered my face with a pillow and screamed into it.

Liam's POV

She was right. I was a prick that didn't let anyone in. I always have to be with more than one girl, even when I'm in a relationship. My life was and is still really fucked up.

I paced back and forth in my hotel room contemplating on what to wear. I want to take her out on a picnic downtown since it is pretty nice outside and I already told her to dress up, so I should to.

I pulled out a simple tux that I had in my bag for emergencies and the matching black bow tie. I sadly didn't have any other shoes than my black converse. Looks like I'll be wearing those.


It is now 6 o'clock and I am nervous as hell. Harry calmly took Macy to a concert and I'm over here racking my brain over what to talk about while we are in the car.

I guess I could make my way over there now cause it takes me a hour to get there anyway.

"Don't wait up." I called to Zayn as I was heading towards the door. "I won't be here anyways. Niall and I are going clubbing." He grins and heads to the bed. "Don't you have a wife?" I suddenly burst, not realizing what I had said.

"First off, she is on tour and secondly, All I will be doing is drinking. Calm down." His voice was deeper than before and I didn't want to push it, even though I was tempted to. I grab the door handle and walk out.


I forgot we needed a blanket of some sort, a basket and food. I run to my car, out of the elevator, with a plan to go to Walmart.

Emily's POV

20 minutes late. So Gentleman like. I double and triple check over my makeup with my phone front camera and run my sweaty hands over my navy blue tea dress. It wasn't that dressy, but it was dressy enough considering that I had no clue where he was taking me. I wore black laced flats cause, of course, I was crippled. Can't afford to fall and break something else.

Soon enough there was a knock on the door. I took my purse off of my bed and I popped a prescription pain killer in my mouth and grabbed a water bottle from my mini fridge. Luckily, that thing was under my bed cause if it wasn't....

I grabbed my crutches and slowly made my way to the door. When I finally opened the door, A saw Liam with a bouquet of purple and pink chrysanthemums, my favorite flower and colors.

"Hey." He grinned and kept the flowers in his hands. I glanced over to something hanging on his arm and it was a picnic basket.

"A picnic? You know exactly what to do." I obviously surprised him with my words because his eyes came out of their gloomy state they were in a few seconds ago.

"Shall we be going my lady?" He said in a posh accent and held his hand out, motioning toward the hallway. I giggled and crutched my way out of my dorm, locking the door behind me.

"I almost forgot you had those bloody things." He scrunched up his face at my crutches as we walk to the car. "If my hands were free, I would hit you right now." We laughed together and he ran ahead of me to open the car door for me.


"You know my birthday is coming soon right?" I asked hopeful that he remembered. I have told him numerous times so he can't not remember. "Yeah. April 23rd right?" He turned the slow, romantic music down from his phone so we could talk at a more comfortable level. "You better get me something good." I finally was able to swat his arm and he dramatically held the spot I hit.

"Trust me. It will be a night to remember."

"How did you know I love grapes?" I ask actually curious. "They are the typical picnic fruit and who doesn't love grapes?" He stuffs his mouth with grapes causing me to choke on my small sandwich from laughter.

Taking a sip of water, I clear my throat and lay all the way down, on the blanket. He lays beside me and sighs.

I am the first one to speak.

"Why didn't you tell me you guys were going on another tour?" I turn to him, all the way on my side. "I guess I was just so caught up with all this," He waves his hands around in a circle, "I sort of forgot. Sorry"

"You don't have to apologize. I was just shocked when I heard it on the news this afternoon."

"I'm just glad you are not mad at me." He rubs his hand up and down my arm, making eye contact. We stare into each others eyes for a moment and he leans into me. I didn't want to ruin this moment by pulling away, so I leaned in also.

Before I know it, I'm on top of him, our lips moving in sync, despite all of the gasps coming from strangers all around us.


Two updates in a week! I feel so accomplished! Hope you guys love this chapter, even though it may be sort of cliche :)

Ily all.

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