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Emily's POV


I'm so hung over that I literally feel like throwing up all of my organs. But ,it was fun. Getting to forget about Liam and his horrible ways was a nice way to start off the weekend.

My phone suddenly rang and of course, it was Liam.

"I really don't want to talk to you Liam. You are a really big fuck up." I said loud and angry.

"Em. The guys finally bailed me out and I'm on my way to LA. I really hope you can forgive me for this." He said half sincere. I hung up and threw my phone at a wall. It shattered into pieces and Macy woke up startled.

Welp. A chance to get an iPhone 5s.

"What happened?" Macy said in a tired voice. "Liam is on his way sadly, so we have to do everything to avoid him. For now, anyway." I said sternly.

"But you know he always finds a way." She said flopping back down on her bed.

"Yep. And that's a big problem."

Liam's POV

I was finally free for now, but I need to get to Emily to explain myself. Good thing I put a tracking device in her purse.

Me and the boys got into the tour bus and Louis sped away onto the highway.

The trip to LA was long and quiet. I could feel that the boys were really disappointed in me and I was sure that my fans were too.

I grabbed my phone and tweeted, "Hope you guys will forgive me. Love you all xx." I was starting to feel a little like Justin Bieber here.

We got out of our tour bus once we got to our hotel that we booked and that we all had our cars shipped to.

I ran to my car, bid the lads goodbye and headed to where my phone pointed me to.

Emily's POV

Macy and I decided that the safest place to go was my Dad's house in Las Vegas. We drove my car and took the long way to his house.

We talked about what we would do if Liam did find us and a point that we both considered was killing him but we realized that would get us put in jail obviously.

"Maybe we can ask Harry if he knows a place. " Macy said with a smirk. "I am not interested in seeing you two make kissy faces at each other all day." I said with a chuckle.

"But we can call him to see if Liam is on to us." I said seriously.

I took Macy's phone and went to Harry's number. The phone rang a few times and a familiar raspy voice picked up.

"Macy?! I thought i'd never see you again because of Liam!" He said almost crying. "No Harry. This is emily. Do you know if Liam is trying to find me or is this another lie?" I said quietly. "Oh. Hi. He did actually head out. But wait. He actually told me that he planted a tracking Chip in your purse." He said sighing.

Damn. We can never escape this man. I thought.

It is amazing how someone can be so manipulative. Can I live without my every move being watched?

In that moment, I hung up, took all of the contents out of my purse and threw my purse out of the window. I put a note on it.

Liam's POV

My phone told me that Emily was on Highway 66 going to Nevada. I sped as fast as I could until I got to where my phone said stop, but all I saw was her purse. With a note on it that read "2 can play at this game".

Damn it Harry. Why does he always have to be a push over?

I took out my phone and called harry. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU MAN?!!? I WAS CLOSE TO FINDING HER AND EXPLAINING MYSELF." I said in my most angry voice. "She needed to know Liam. I don't want her to get hurt." He said with no emotion.

"Well that is not your desicion to make."

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