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Emily's POV

"Chase? What do you mean Chase?" Macy was full on sobbing and I was just..confused. What would Chase want with Macy? And how did he even get out of custody? I guided her towards Liam's hotel room and he quickly opened the door for us with his key.

"H-his friend g-got him out o-on b-bail and he c-came looking f-for y-you but I told him y-you were with Liam. He said since y-you weren't t-there, he w-would hurt me instead." She hiccuped on every other word and nlw that she was inside the hotel room I could clearly she her black eye, scratches, and bruises in various areas.

Liam came from the bathroom with a first aid kit and handed it to me. Macy sat down on the couch. "Where's Harry?" Her voice was near to normal as I started to wipe her cuts with alcohol pads. "I'm not really sure but he was probably out partying. I haven't heard from him." Liam buts in as soon as I open my mouth to speak.

"We can't go back there Em. When he was asleep, I escaped and tried to run here. We just can't go back. We can't." The fear in her eyes was the most prominent thing on her besides her bruises and I automatically wished I was there to take what Macy got. She didn't deserve it. I did.

"How about you guys stay here while I go to deal with it." Liam suggests from behind me. "Liam, no. I can't let you get hurt to." I stood up and turned to him. "I need to do this. For your sake and for her sake. I will call the police before I get there so it won't get too ugly." He was clearly sincere and I couldn't push this opportunity away. Chase needs to stay behind bars. For good.

But it's not that simple.

"Ok." I agreed and he kissed me on the cheek, ensuring that everything would be taken care of. He took his keys and walked out of the door.

"What now?" Macy wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and flinched when she touched the black eye.

I don't really know what I can tell her.  Comfort her?  I don't know.

I told her the only thing that made sense. "We wait."


It has been a few hours since Liam left and our dorm is only a good hour away from the hotel so I don't know if he handled it or if he did anything at all.  Macy and I were just watching Breaking Bad to get our minds off of everything.

"Wouldn't it be epic if we had a science teacher like Mr.White?  We could order the blue meth and brag to people about how pure it is." Macy grinned and I couldn't help but agree.  Her accent was bright and lit up the room while she spoke. 

"I guess that would be cool, but we would all go to jail.  Meth is an illegal substance."  I scrunched up my nose and put my spoon into the ice cream carton, getting a spoonful of cookie dough ice cream.

"Well.." She stopped mid sentence as she heard the click that signaled a key opened the door. 

Harry appeared in the doorway with messy hair and blood shot eyes. 

"Look who decided to show up. Great timing." Macy's mood changed from calm and content to godzilla in a split second.

" Look. I go where ever the fuck I want and I don't need approval from you."  He slurred.  He scolded her and she gasped at his choice of words. 

He suddenly ran into the bathroom, covering his mouth.

"I don't need a drunk for a boyfriend." Macy stood up, heading to the bathroom to help Harry.

I watched as she entered the bathroom and turned the sink on. 



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