Chapter One

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Chapter One

A lone figure rode across the lush glens of Scotland, her own dark hair and the horse's mane tangling.

"Faster." She breathed, laughing as her old companion sped up and they reached the top of the hill, where a young man leaned against a boulder, waiting.

"You're late." He said, trying to hide the smile at seeing her so loose and free; no one else got to see her like this.

She laughed. "I took more entertaining transportation."

"I see no point in using an animal when you could simply dissaparate or fly."

"It's fun, Salazar." Reaching into a small bag within her cloak, she pulled out a basket. "Pattie made bread and fresh butter this morning, and I brought along some jam we made earlier in the year."

Icy exterior melting, Salazar pulled her up onto the boulder, her fine shoed feet scrambling on the rough surface. "Hand it over."

The two friends sat together, watching the view of the emerald river weave through the hills and birds flying in flocks throughout the sky. It was perfect until Salazar brought up the subject of Rowena's birthday.

"I received an invitation today," he said idly. "To your ball."

Rowena scoffed "It's fathers ball more than anything; keep up appearances, all that. I'd much rather have no party at all and treat it like any other day."

"C'mon Ena, it might be fun..." he smiled and stuck a spoon in the jam jar "You get to dress up, dance and have sweets. Everyone will be there just for you, bringing gifts and good wishes. We'll have fun."

"We'll have a horrible time, and you know it. We'll end up sitting in the corner like usual and have sore feet by the end of the night because of terrible dance partners." Rowena was horrified to see her friend laughing. "What? You think it's amusing that my father uses every ball as an excuse to throw me at men to try and marry me off?"

Salazar shook his head. "No, of course not. But this is your night, Rowena; try and have a good time at least."

Nodding begrudgingly, she jumped off the boulder "I'll race you home – my horse versus your broom."

Grinning, Salazar jumped down after her "You're on."

            The low lights of Rowena's chamber flickered as she finished dressing for her own ball, tugging on the long sleeves in hope to create the illusion that she was comfortable. The dress cascaded down in different shades of midnight blue and purple, a train following her around as she busied herself before the ball.
In her room, Rowena felt as if she were her true self; surrounded by books, bubbling cauldrons, drawings of the school she wished to build – it was as if her mind had spilled and stained her room. Salazar (who had not spent much time there, as it was wildly inappropriate) said it was like looking into her soul. Rowena had teasingly asked how he knew what a soul was like, when he so clearly didn't have one.

"Rowena?" Miss Patience Gray entered the chamber, carrying a small ornately carved box in her hands. "You should have waited, I could have helped..."

"I can do it Pattie," Rowena shooed her old nurse away "Edna was in here earlier."

Ms. Gray watched the young woman she had once nursed pin up her own curls and reach for her headpiece. "Wait a moment Rowena, I have something for you." Coming over to the vanity table, she placed the box in front of her. "It was your mothers; it was given to her when she married your father at seventeen."

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