Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

         There was a hush settled over the grounds of Hogwarts. Spring had arrived, albeit slowly, but in the crisp May morning – early, still, the children had not yet risen – Lady Alva's breath rose, and her tears froze to her rosebud cheeks. She was watching the moors, waiting for Godric to arrive back from an early ride. He had begun riding to impress Rowena, but now loved it for himself: even in the mornings his future bride did not step foot in the stables, he began his days racing over them atop a grey steed. At remembering why Godric had begun to ride, Alva let out a strangled sob.

The bright hair of Godric was what she first saw as he came over the hill with the first streaks of sunrise. As he spotted her, sitting outside the kitchen door on the well-worn wooden bench, just tucked under the alcove where the steps down to the kitchen began. Those in the kitchen, if anyone were in, would just be able to see her feet and the collection of her skirts from one of the kitchen windows.

"Alva, love – you must be freezing!" Godric dismounted and tied his horse, which he had dotingly dubbed Morn, and only then noticed his beloved's tear-streaked face. He kneeled before her, taking her red, freezing hands in his. "Whatever is wrong?"

"Godric –" Alva felt like she may be sick, but gripped her lover's hands. "I am afraid, oh –"

He kissed her knuckles, thought of the ring he had stashed deep in his desk. "Say it, love, it is all right. What are you fearful of? It is only me."

Alva took a shuddering breath, closed her eyes, and breathed: "I am with child." Tears dripped onto their clasped hands, and Godric could not help the joy that rose in him. It felt as if molten sun had seeped through him, and he beamed.

"Oh – that is – wonderful."

"Wonderful!" Alva drew her hands away, shocked. "Godric, we are stuck. You are engaged to Rowena, I – I run the kitchens, my livelihood is because of Rowena's kindness."

"No, it is – I was planning to tell Rowena after classes ended, in just a few days." Godric pulled Alva close, breathing her in. "I love you, Alva, and a child – I can hardly contain my joy."

"You truly are happy?"

"Yes – yes, and – come to my chambers, this evening, after supper. I promise I am happy." He kissed her hard, wiped the tears from cheeks and mounted his horse. "I love you, Lady Alva Davidson Gallagher."

Alva nodded, and watched him ride towards the stables. Her heartbeat began to slow, and through her fear, joy began to bloom ever so slightly.

         The day dragged on, despite it being the final day of classes. Exams were in a week, and then the children would go home. In her chambers, at the end of the long but exciting day, Rowena was going through the letters that had begun to arrive. Sunset had begun to last longer, but she barely noticed as it slowly seeped through the sky, fierce and scarlet. The span of this sunset would change her life.

She was counting letters from parents, writing names down, filling lists. Returning students, new enrolment, applications arriving for new teachers – the lists were growing. Rowena counted them, her students, names that had begun to mean something: each one represented a child she now knew, had taught – children who would be arriving in the fall, and would mean something to her then. She had more than enough students, more than enough applications to fill the staff roles for the growing numbers. Her heart soared, and the sunset hit its peak.

Phrases of praise and encouragement rang through her as she abandoned the letters and lists, her braid beginning to come undone. She was flushed and euphoric as she walked briskly out of her office, gaining momentum, heading towards Godric's chambers.

Salazar was rounding the corner to these very chambers as Rowena sped towards them. As he did, he froze as he spotted Alva slip out from behind the tapestry that hid the secret passageway across from Godric's door, looking bashful. Salazar ducked back around the corner, peeking round to see Godric kiss Alva before pulling her into his chambers. Smirking, he turned back down the hall.

In his chambers, Godric's confident demeanour was slipping: his hands shook as he stood close to the woman he loved, offering her the small but lovely ring that had belonged to his sister. It was a pale yellow stone, clear as a sunbeam, with a thin weaving of silver around the gem and the band. Sunset was dropping away, fading.

Down the hall, Rowena beamed as she saw Salazar. "Sal! Oh – fantastic news, we have more than enough students for next year, and staff – and I can escape my father forever!"

"Spectacular Rowena." Salazar smiled genuinely, and stepped out of her way. "Off to tell Godric, are you?"

"Yes – I believe he's in his chambers, he must be, I will see you later –" she pecked his cheek, and Salazar said nothing as Rowena dashed toward her fate.

Before she even threw open the door, Rowena called: "Godric! Oh my love, with this success I will never have to marry anyone but you! Tonight, I will go to my father tonight – we can marry the day after the students are gone, right here on the grounds and oh –" she rounded into Godric's bedroom, and stalled. Alva and Godric were still locked in a tight embrace, frozen in shock: Alva's dress was pulled down by the shoulders, Godric's shirt tossed on the bed – and the ring glistened on her hand in the last blaze of sunset.

"Rowena –" Godric's hands dropped from Alva's waist, where the swell of her stomach was just visible without her corset. Rowena stepped back from him, eyes still locked on the ring. "Please, Ro –"

"Godric." She whispered, before turning swiftly and fleeing the room, hand clasped to her mouth. Godric rushed after her, leaving Alva as sunk to the ground, unable to cry, only shiver in shock.

"Rowena!" he called, chasing her down one of Rowena's favourite hallways, now always tainted with this memory: it was long, windows all down the side. The sky was bleached with the final moments of sunset. "Please. Let me explain."

"Leave me alone." Her voice was coarse, and her face wet with tears as she turned on him. He wouldn't stop talking, pleading, and so she whipped her wand at him, and he choked – his voice was ripped from him. Rowena left Godric in the hall, now dark, holding his voice in her clasped hand.

She walked slowly to her chambers, dragging her feet; upon reaching her door, she shut it with her last ounce of strength before sinking to the ground. Finally, her sobs found sound: she shook with them, and still weeping, opened her hand, fingers unfurling, letting the voice of Godric Gryffindor go, and with it her trusting love, that of a girl.

The sunset was replaced with a moonless night, and Rowena Ravenclaw was never to be the same. 

A/N: ouch. Sorry Rowena. I never looked forward to writing this. What awaits Rowena, fresh with heartbreak?

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