Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

         Two figures walked through the misty village, weary after a long day. Godric and Salazar had been spreading word of the school, speaking with parents and meeting children. It had been a successful day, and they paused at the final home.

"Baker," said Godric, reading the list Rowena had written for them that morning.

"Muggleborn?" scoffed Salazar.

Squinting, Godric nods. "Uh, well, yes." He looked up, seeing the sour expression on his friend's face. "Is there a problem, Salazar?"

"There is little use of stopping in, if it is indeed a Muggleborn child."

Godric stopped in his tracks, shocked. "Whatever do you mean?"

"We have enough tainted blood in the school's books already, there is hardly room for Muggleborns, Halfbloods are bad enough."

"Slytherin you cannot be serious," Godric said lowly, "This is a school where every child is given the opportunity to learn – have you never listened to Rowena!"

"Of course I have," he had not stopped walking; the Muggleborn child's house grew smaller in the distance. "These children will take away from those who will be contributing to the Wizarding world, Gryffindor – there is no need to muddy the waters with dirty blood."

Godric whipped out his wand before Salazar could continue, and the other man flew across the cobbled street. Seething, he stumbled to his feet, clutching his right arm. "How dare you!" he roared.

"I knew your family was horrible about such things, Slytherin – but Rowena loves you, so I thought perhaps you were better than that."

"Better than desiring to keep the bloodlines pure?" he snarled. "We have gifts, Gryffindor, why would we jeopardize that?"

"Because these children are being murdered for something they cannot help!" bellowed Godric, "We can give them a chance, a life – an education could save them."

"But are they even worth saving?" Salazar palmed his wand, ready for another attack.

"How can you say that, when Rowena has worked so hard?"

Salazar had a flash of Rowena, as a small child, spending days alone, her father gone off somewhere. "She was abandoned, she wants to save every child. It is not possible – simply because no one saved her does not mean she can save them all. Her heart is bigger than she would care to admit."

"But she could try –"

"I tried." Salazar said darkly. "I saved her, I did that – yet she still does imbecilic things such as school Mudbloods, and you are not helping."

"I have put everything into Rowena and this school!"

"You are toying with her." He turned and began walking away. "If you knew better you would just leave, let her get on with her dream."

Godric lowered his wand, realization dawning on him, "You love her." He said finally, almost laughing, watching Salazar's back tense. "I should have known – you have never tried to help her get out of your marriage."

Salazar whipped around, wand out; Godric shot back onto the cobblestones, letting out a grunt. "I want what is best for her." He said, standing over Godric's body; he couldn't move, frozen by Salazar's spell. "And I am what is best, it has always been that way."

"She will never marry you." Spat Godric, regaining movement. Salazar stepped back, letting him get to his feet. They stood staring at each other, their argument hanging heavily between them. "I will not tell her, Salazar."

"Fuck off, Gryffindor." Salazar began to walk off again.

Godric called after him. "She deserves more!"

Salazar regretfully admitted to himself that Godric was right – Rowena deserved more than the both of them.

         The school library was almost complete, and Rowena was beyond pleased. It was nowhere near as stuffed with books as it one day would be, but Rowena was in love with the red carpets and dark, shining bookshelves and tables. It was a labyrinth of a library, just as she wanted.

"Will the children not get lost?" asked Helga curiously. They were working at one of the window seats, watching delicate snow cascade from the sky and cover the grounds.

"Of course they will! That is the beauty of it." Rowena sighed and abandoned her work, looking out the window. "It is so beautiful Helga, I can hardly believe we have built such a place, almost right out of my dreams."

Helga was looking over the list of students for September when she looked up, an intrigued twist to her lips. "Rowena, have you ever wanted children of your own?"

Rowena was silent at first, watching the snowfall grow thicker. "When I was younger, even recently – not particularly, no. I think it may be because I never had a mother, and therefore have no idea how to be one myself." She admitted. "Besides, I have my school to run."

"And what about now?" Helga asked gently. "Now that you and Godric are betrothed?"

Eyes fixed on the blizzard, Rowena was battling with herself. It was hard to admit, but since falling in love with Godric she had indeed thought of children, however briefly. "I never wanted children," she said again, slowly, "Until I met Godric. Of course I want to finish and establish the school first, but...yes, one day. One day."

Helga sighed. "Oh, you two will have beautiful children."

"After the school is finished."

Her friend laughed. "Yes, Rowena dear, after the school is finished."

"And yourself Helga – do you want children?"

"Oh, I always have, a whole brood – but of course I need to find a husband first. However, I am currently invested in nurturing the school and our future students. The poor dears will miss their parents so, I am sure."

"I think I would like one," Rowena was laughing at the idea of Helga surrounded by little people, hands grabbing at her skirts, always with a baby on her hip. She was comfortable with this picture.

"What are you ladies laughing about?" Salazar had appeared, looking brooding.

"Babies," supplied Helga, "Rowena was saying she would only want one child, though I think after one she will find herself wanting another. Can you picture our Rowena with a child, Salazar?"

Salazar watched the flushed, happy face of Rowena, and tucked away his old dreams of Rowena in Slytherin castle, as his wife, with their children. How smart and lovely they would have been. "I have never thought of it," he lied.

"Oh!" Rowena cried, pointing out the window. "Godric has returned, I will go meet him." She left the window seat, turning back quickly to give them both a piercing stare. "Not a word of this children talk to Godric – it is hardly a thought in my mind, no reason to scare him away."

Salazar had a feeling it would take more than talk of children to deter Godric from Rowena. With a sinking heart, he watched the woman he loved rush to meet another man.

A/N: So I know they didn't use the word "fuck" in medieval language, but I couldn't think of an alternative, plus its kinda funny.

oooOooooOoh Godric and Salazar got in a SPAT.


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