Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

The castle was still dark, everyone was only just waking, but Rowena was already up and getting her classroom ready for the first day. She had spent the evening before settling Ravenclaw house in, showing the students their rooms, and informing the older ones that there would be two students chosen to help keep things in order.

Rowena loved her classroom. It had high ceilings, and arched windows that let in the morning light. She faced the forest that was not forbidden, as well as the moors. There was a supply closet for everything she would need for classes, and rows of desks for the students.

She had been sitting at her desk, daydreaming, for too long; breakfast would be served in the great hall soon, and she hurried to finish up the last few tasks. She had extra quills and books for the students that may have forgotten theirs, and her lesson plans.

Rowena looked over her classroom, beaming – it was really happening. She hurried down to the great hall, where Helga was sleepily putting out jam with the kitchen girls, while Alva was making sure each table had the same amount of toast and eggs and porridge.

"Good morning Rowena!" she called, wiping her hands on her apron. "Breakfast is all ready, though I feel as if – the tea!" she cried, rushing out. Rowena laughed, but Alva popped her head back in for a moment. "Have you seen Godric yet this morning?"

She shook her head. "No, but I am sure he'll be here shortly." Alva smiled and rushed back for the tea.

Taking her place at the head table, Rowena watched students trickle in in groups of two or three, already making friends. She spotted Salazar's younger sisters come in together, each having been put in Slytherin. The youngest, Saidra, was lagging behind, rubbing her eyes. The eldest, Lilith, pulled her forward, chatting with the middle child Camilla.

The tables began to fill, and the food disappeared; Rowena left before the children finished, hearing Godric remind them all that classes began in half an hour – and if they didn't see someone, to make sure they weren't still asleep. He finished this thought with a booming laugh, and Rowena couldn't help but smile. She loved that man.

Her classroom was perfect, she knew that: she had everything she needed, enough desks and chairs and quills and books and different ways of explaining things – and yet when the first few students entered the room, fear paralyzed her. Her first class was first year transfiguration, spells she had been practicing since she was younger than these kids, and yet she was terrified.

Soon her class was full, of about thirty children, and she had no idea what to say. The young faces looked up at her, expressions ranging from excitement to worry to...fear. A little girl in the very centre looked utterly petrified, her braids were done crookedly – her mother must usually do them for her. In the very front sat a young boy who looked positively giddy.

Clearing her throat, Rowena picked up her wand, and her name appeared on the board. "Good morning." She said, then louder, "Good morning!" a few students mumbled it back, and Rowena squared her shoulders. She would make this memorable, wake them up a bit.

"I am Professor Ravenclaw, that is what you shall call me. Now, do any of you know what this is?" she laid her hand on a small statue of bluebird sitting on her desk.

The giddy boy at the front confidently raised his hand, and Rowena nodded at him. "Your name?"

"Bram Maganti, Professor Ravenclaw – and it is a sculpture of a bluebird."

"You are not wrong, Mister Maganti – but you are also not correct." With a tap of her wand, the sculpture turned into a real bluebird. The class gasped, a few clapped. Rowena put out her hand, and the bird sat pleasantly in her palm. "Welcome to transfiguration, class. Let us begin."

The other founders were also beginning their first classes.

Helga was teaching third years about puffapods – some of the students were not particularly graceful, and dropped the shining pink beans, causing them to immediately flower. But Helga was patient, and kind, and by lunchtime each table in the great hall had flowers on them.

In the dungeons Salazar was carefully watching his sixth and seventh years attempt to make a shrinking solution. He frequently demonstrated how to properly juice leeches and the correct wand movements, calling out once and a while – "Do not drink it! I will not pleased if I must send one of you home dead on the first day because you forgot the cowbane". This was met with a few pale faces and numerous sniggers.

And Godric – well, he had a giant tank in his classroom, and was gleefully showing the fourth and fifth years a dugbog he had found during his travels. He was an unorthodox teacher compared to the rest, but his thirty or so students would never forget their first day.

When classes were over for the day, and students had gone back to their common rooms before supper, Godric happily fed his creatures and locked up his classroom, whistling as he walked down the corridor. A soft singing stopped him however, and he paused to listen: it was sweet, and after a moment he realized it was Alva.

She appeared a second later, her hair frizzing around her temples and face flushed. "Godric!" she smiled happily at him, waving; he caught a whiff of the greens she was carrying. "I was just picking up some herbs from Helga for tonight's stew."

"They smell delightful."

He smiled at her – not a grin, or a mischievous twist of lips. A soft, tender smile. It caught Alva off guard, and she looked down into her herbs, burying her nose in them. "I – well, I should be going. I am needed in the kitchen." She waved the herbs a little, the smell wafting towards him once more.

"I will see you at supper?" he asked, sad to see her go so quickly.

"Perhaps, I was to eat with the girls in the kitchen – " she saw his face fall slightly, and was quick to say; "However I can come up for a bit?"

"Please do, I would like that very much." They stood in silence for a moment, Alva the one to step around him.

"Enjoy your supper Godric." She smiled and left down the hall.

Godric watched her go, and breathed deeply; the smell of herbs lingered in the air, and he stayed for just a second longer before continuing on his way.

The four founders sat in Rowena's office, drinks in their hands, full to the brim. The fire roared, keeping the September chill at bay as they recounted their first day. Rowena watches her friends – her friends, she can still hardly believe it! – and is aglow with pride. They had built this school, laboured for a year, and now her dream was a reality.

"I do like the children," Helga was saying, "They are so eager to learn, it is wonderful!"

"I am truly surprised no one died the first day," snorted Salazar, to which Godric laughed loudly and Helga gasped. Rowena merely smiled, giddy with the prospect of the coming year. Right now she felt euphoric, with no inkling of the dark clouds rolling over her future. 

A/N: so...I'm back ? life happened. I have a month left of summer and need a reboot for writing because I am in a RUT people, so see you folks soon hopefully. 

Rowena has no idea with whats about to hit her. Any ideas?

SORRY and back soon hopefully. 


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