Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

         Rowena barely slept the night after her birthday, making plans by candlelight for the school that had once been a dream, now a reality. She could hardly believe it, that she would be starting a school, her very own school.

Early, dusty pink sun fell through the arching windows, catching in the crystals of her dress, the same one from the ball before. This is how Godric found her, hair a tangled mess down her back, evening gown slipping off her shoulders, a quill in her hand and another stuck in her hair.

He wanted to say she looked more beautiful like this than she had the night before, but settled on: "So, you are engaged."

Rowena startled, looking up from her drawings. She straightened her back, set her shoulders, and frowned. "Only formally, I never agreed. I am sure you heard, I get two years to build my school." She beamed at him, unable to supress her joy.

"But your father, the Slytherin's, everyone – they all think you and Salazar are engaged." He tried not to sound too hurt.

Her face softened, and she moved around the table to take his hands. "Godric." She said gently, looking at him kindly, "I have no intention of marrying Sal, not ever – he is my best friend, I do not wish to be with him romantically, and nor does he."

"And I?" he asked cheekily, "Do you have no wish to be with me romantically?"

Rowena tilted her head up, as she was not much shorter than he, and kissed him half on the cheek, half on the lips. "It is all I wish," she whispered, pulling away. "Besides to build the best magic school in the world."

Godric laughed, and took her by the waist. "And I want to help," he leaned down, pressing his lips to hers, "Because I want you to be happy." He added.

Flushed, Rowena turned away to her table to hide her smile. "Enough gushing," she said breathlessly, "We have work to do."

Godric opened his mouth to say something probably sweet, but was interrupted by Helga's singsong voice, "Good morning!" she practically danced into the room, her gingery curls pulled back by a scrap of ribbon; she had traded in her evening gown for her usual, a little shabby, dull buttercup robes. "Thank you again Rowena for offering me a bed for the night."

"It was no trouble, Helga," Rowena gave Godric a glance that clearly said no funny stuff. "I am glad you stayed, now you can help me with my preparations."

"For the school?" Helga gasped, shocked. " want my help?"

"Of course." Said Rowena briskly. "You are vital, I know you are."

Tears came to Helga's eyes, but Rowena didn't notice. Helga had never felt vital, not as the replacement daughter for the one that had died, or the youngest of several children. And here was Rowena, needing her for something so wonderful. "All right." She said thickly. "Um, where do we start?"

"Yes Ena," they all turned to see Salazar in the doorway, looking hesitant. "Where do we start?"

Rowena was pleased to see Salazar, as she had been unsure where exactly they stood even after their talk the evening before. "The castle," she said slowly, "From my dream."

Godric looked excited, but Helga and Salazar were confused. Rowena explained to them her dream, the hog and the centaur that guided her to the small, crumbling castle atop a hill, overlooking a dark lake. "And there is a woman," she finished, "She opens the door, and gives me the castle."

"Is she real?" asked Helga.

Rowena shrugged. "I do not know, but I want to find out." She looked at her three friends, the people who ensured the success of her dream. "Will you help me?"

Godric, Salazar and Helga glanced at each other, and all nodded. "Of course Rowena," Godric squeezed her hand. Salazar stiffened, watching the smile that bloomed across her face. There was a battle going on in his head, over whether to gain Rowena as his wife or make her happy – but perhaps if he made her happy, he could also make her his wife, and at her own will.

"Your school will succeed." Salazar rested his hands on the table, looking over her plans.

Helga nodded, "With the four of us, anything can be achieved."

Rowena smiled, excitement flooding her chest. "Then we better get to work."

         The forest was dark, damp earth sticking to their shoes in the early morning. Rowena, Helga, Godric and Salazar had been searching for the castle in Rowena's dream for weeks now, and she was beginning to panic. She only had so much time, and if she wanted the school to be ready in time for fall over a year from now – they needed to find the location soon.

"Relax, Ro." Godric said softly, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "We will find it, in the right time."

She nodded, smiling nervously. They had spoken to the Wizarding families on the other side of the forest, who had warned them not to go through – there were all sorts of creatures residing in the woods, but yes, beyond it there was a castle like the one Rowena had described. Agreeing that it was safer to fly, the four travelled over the thick treetops of the forest, giving each other nervous looks; each time they neared a possible right location, they became giddy.

Nearing the end, Rowena looked down and spotted a circular, silvery lake. "Stop!" she called, pulling back and diving down.

"Rowena!" Helga cried, "We do not know if it is safe!"

But Rowena ignored her, and landed gently on the shore. The other three landed further back, cautious. "I know this place." She murmured, looking about. "I am sure of it."

"Wait, Ena..." Salazar watched her enter the thick part of the forest, and quickly followed. "Come on." He said to the others, and they quickly followed her into the darkness.

Rowena began to run, forgetting her friends, forgetting the warnings of creatures. She was so close, she just knew it. From the corner of her eye, something moved, and she stopped swiftly. Whipping her head around, she studied the dark trees. It had almost looked like a face, but so tall...

The others had caught up, and Helga gasped out, "What is it?"

"Nothing." She muttered, and began running once more. Soon, she saw a flickering of light. Pushing herself, she broke through the edge of the trees and nearly tripped she stopped so quickly.

In the distance, across a dark lake and atop a hill – was the castle, as small and crumbling as her dream.

"Oh my." She breathed, and then cried out, "Yes! Yes!" and spun on the spot. "We found it, everyone, we found it!"

Godric let out a joyous whoop, and picked Rowena up off the ground. "Enough of that," Rowena laughed, swatting his shoulder.

The four flew over the lake, and landed atop the hill. The castle was in terrible shape, and quite small, but Rowena saw the possibilities as they neared; turrets and beautiful stain glass, grand doors and hidden passage ways, the dorms for the student – and a library, with every book imaginable.

They reached the door, and they nodded to Rowena. "It should be you," Helga said, "Go on Rowena."

Nodding, Rowena took a deep breath and lifted the heavy knocker; the sound echoed through the castle, and they waited impatiently as footsteps could be heard. The door creaked open, and the woman from Rowena's dream stood on the other side.

"Hello," she said, eyebrows knitting together. "May I help you?"

Rowena shook off her nerves and stepped forward, "My name is Rowena Ravenclaw, and I have been looking for you for a long time."

The woman smiled. "Then you must be tired, come in, please."

The four looked at each other, agreeing with glances before walking into the castle of Rowena's dream.

A/N: Rowena is so happy!

What do you think the owner of the castle will be like?!


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