Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Chapter Thirty-Seven

Spring of 194

          Hogwarts was wrapping up the happiest, most successful year of its short history. Rowena could hardly believe that by the end of the summer she would have been with Otho for two years, an unimaginable amount of time.

But for now she was not thinking of that – Saidra would be spending her second summer with Rowena, and even before that Rowena had classes to end. Today all the students would go home, and the summer was open for her own work.

The morning rush to get the students with their parents, leaving through various forms of Magic travel. Making sure everyone had their summer tasks and that pets were with their rightful owners. Otho watched Rowena work, reassure with the children and welcome parents.

When the last child was gone, Rowena walked down to the lake alone. The sun was swiftly setting, and the lake was already mostly dark. A sliver of moon hovered over the forest, rippled on the sleek dark water, and Rowena soaked it all in, memorizing the smell of spring. She loved her school, this lake, the children who had now left for the summer. Eyes closed, Rowena could picture everything in immaculate detail – one day, when she was old and struggled to see, she would still see the lake, the moon and forest just as clearly as if it was sprawled before her as it was now.

"You look peaceful." Otho's warm presence settled beside her.

"I will miss the students." She sighed. "But yes, I am at peace. all feels right."

Otho took her hand, and she turned to look at man she had fallen so deeply in love with, had given her mind, body and soul to. "I agree, everything does feel right – I have waited for the right time, but the right time was when you first confessed your love for me. Which is why, Rowena Ravenclaw, I ask if I may have the honour of marrying you."

Speechless, a rarity for our Rowena, she could only nod, delicate mouth parted in shock. "I thought I would be afraid," she finally whispered, "But I have never felt fear while loving you, Otho. Yes – yes, I will marry you."

They embraced, clutching the other with everything they had – but Rowena pulled away, looking nervous but fierce. "But Otho – I cannot marry you unless we can live at Hogwarts, and I continue teaching. I could not possibly live anywhere else, or stop teaching. It is my life."

Otho shook his head, chuckling. "Rowena, my love, I have no interest in ever denying you anything, let alone the thing that makes you who you are. I could never leave Hogwarts either. This is our home."

Tears spilled down Rowena's cheeks, and she sobbed. She was going to be happy.

         Rowena and Helga were the first people in the kitchens the next morning. Both were in their robes, hair in loose braids, but bright eyed and excited for the peace and quiet. All but the head cook and one kitchen girl had gone home for the summer, but they had been given the day off, and the buttery sunlight drenched kitchen belonged to the friends.

Clasping hot cups of tea in their hands, both of the young women had a twist to their lips the other knew well.

"Go on, what are you keeping from me?" Helga prompted. She looked lovely and fresh, her cheeks rosy and eyes shining.

Rowena flushed, but could not contain the beaming smile that came over her. "Otho asked me to be his wife." She said breathlessly, still barely able to believe it.

Helga gasped, suddenly flooded with tears. A sob tumbled from her involuntarily, and Rowena rushed around the table to grasp her friend's hands. "Helga – oh Helga do not cry – it is a good thing!"

"I – I know," Helga wept. "I am so overjoyed for you Rowena; you deserve happiness so much and I – I –" she dissolved into tears once more.

Rowena was bewildered. "Are you all right dear?" she finally asked, suddenly concerned.

"Oh I am perfect – I am so happy for you – but I am also with child and I have been crying at every little thing –"

It was Rowena's turn to gasp. She threw herself into Helga's arms, holding her tightly. "Are you really?" she asked tearfully.

"I am," Helga laughed, feeling Rowena's tears dampen her dressing gown. "Now look at us, crying first thing in the morning – we look rather mad."

"I do not care," Rowena said passionately. "This has been the best fifteen hours of my life, and I will cry with joy if I so please."

In the early hours of the morning, the friends clasped hands and told one another all their hopes and dreams, in the home they had built together. 

A/N: (hi, I'm still alive)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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