Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

         "Rowena, wait!"

Ignoring her father's calls, Rowena rushed through the crowd of startled witches and wizards, out of the room and into a drawing room off to the side. Livid, she could only stare out the window at the world outside, hidden by nightfall. Clenching her hands into fists, she could hardly think through her anger. Salazar must have known, there was no other explanation for his actions tonight.

Rodbern and the Slytherin's entered the room, looking furious. "Rowena, that was unacceptable behaviour." Roared Rodbern, face twisted with fury. "What were you thinking?"

Rowena didn't notice Salazar slip into the room, hidden by the shadows. "I was thinking that you cannot control me like this any longer, Father, because what were you thinking?" she could feel the blood in her cheeks, hear her heart beat loudly in her ears. "Announcing such a thing in front of all those people with no warning – you must have known I do not want this."

"Want?" Rodbern sneered, "This has nothing to do of want, Rowena – you will marry Salazar, you have no choice in the matter."

"But I –" she faltered slightly.

"You what, have plans?" the Lord couldn't look at his daughter any longer, she looked too much like Maida, and he couldn't bear to see the similarities any longer. "What else are you going to do with your life, read all day? No, you will marry the Slytherin boy, carry his heir, this had been the plan before you were even born –"

"So my fate was chosen before I even had a voice!" Rowena cried, "I refuse, I will not do it – I wish to open my school."

There was a brief slice of silence, and then Rodbern and the Slytherin's burst into laughter. "A school?" scoffed Lord Slytherin, "Preposterous. It would never succeed, especially with a woman such as yourself steering the operation."

Rowena's blood boiled, and she turned on the Slytherin's. "I can do it, and I will, and I will show all of you! My school will be the best in the world."

"What happened to handling your daughter, Rodbern?" smirked Zephyr.

In the corner, Salazar clenched his jaw. He hated to see Rowena mocked, and so upset. Before he could stop himself, he stepped forward, raising his voice over his parents and Rodbern's laughter. . "She can do it." He said, and Rowena's gaze snapped to his, her eyes widening. "Just...just give her a chance."

Rodbern laughed again. "Suddenly you are not eager to marry my daughter, Salazar?"

"I, well..." he stood still and strong – Slytherin's did not back down. "I simply know that Rowena can do it, Lord Ravenclaw. Give her...three years."

Rodbern had never been one to back down from a challenge, and he glanced at Rowena; she looked like Maida had at the same age, and he thought of what his wife would have argued for. Maida would have given Rowena a chance. "Fine."

"If you insist on this ridiculous deal, then give her one year," Lord Slytherin argued "And if the school is unsuccessful – and it will be – then you will be married. If it is somehow successful, then you will marry anyways and hand over your school to someone better equipped to run it."

"I will need at least two," Rowena discarded her anger to argue – this was her chance. "A year to prepare and build, to spread the word."

"Two years, and that is all, and the final decision." Rodbern saw the elation on his daughter's face and could handle no more. "Now, back to the party – the guests will be running rampant with rumours."

"Come, Salazar." Zephyr took her sons arm and led him out of the room, leaving Rowena alone. Maybe the world was not falling to pieces as she had thought – maybe she had a chance after all.

         The party was dwindling when Salazar found Rowena in the deserted garden, her hair pulled out; shoes abandoned a few feet away. She was sat on the wide stone bench encircling the fountain Rodbern had put in before they were even born.

"Hello." He said softly, standing a little away.

"They knew this fountain was impractical," she said in response, "But my mother wanted it, something beautiful in the centre of a garden that should not exist. Moors were not made for gardens and fountains. So Father made it, and here it stays." Dipping her fingers in the water, she pulled a lily from its surface. "Mother wanted me, so I am here – but I should not be. I am not meant for this Sal."

Salazar sat across from her, taking her wet hand, holding it and the lily with care. "I know what you mean."

She looked up from the flower, tears in her eyes. "I love you Sal, but I do not want to marry you."

Swallowing his pain, Salazar nodded. "I do not want to marry you either," he lied, laughing a little. "So where does that leave us, hey Ena?"

"I do not know." Head dropping to her knees, drawn to her chest, she sighed and looked across the fountain. "I suppose we will simply have to see what comes, and meet it when it does."

Salazar looked at the face of the woman he loved, and wished for her failure. "I will be at your side, whatever happens."

Looking at their entwined hands, holding the lily, Rowena sighed. "I know you will Sal, I trust you with all my heart."

And Salazar felt nothing as she gave him her heart to hold.

A/N: yiiikes. Rowena is given a chance, and Salazar gets sneaky.

What awaits these friends as Rowena starts to finally pursue her dreams?


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