Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

         Helga Hufflepuff was part of a very large family. She had three older brothers, three of whom were married – the fourth would be soon. There had been another girl, born before Helga, but she had died shortly after Helga was born. As a child Helga had been angry with little, deceased Heloise Hufflepuff, because she felt as if her parents were distant because they looked so alike.

Now, as a young woman, Helga watched her sister-in-laws bustle about the kitchen, children tugging at their skirts and hands covered in flour or busy nursing a baby. The youngest Hufflepuff son was to be married in just a few short weeks; the Hufflepuff women already adored Thea, Haidar's wife to be.

Helga would never admit it, but she liked Thea the best out of her three sister-in-laws. She was bubbly and kind, and liked to tease Haidar, or joke with Helga. As the youngest, it was Helga's job to wash the dishes – without magic, since she'd once made quite a mess of it. "It was one time!" she would cry, "And four years ago, too!"

Bronwyn, Hagen Hufflepuff the third's wife, would click her tongue and send her back to the dishes. She was a beautiful, tall woman, who Helga was mildly scared of. She would complain to Hagen if it weren't for the fact that Bronwyn did love him, and kept him in line (he could be quite reckless).

After the bread for the week had been made, the golden loaves lined along the long table, a large basin of stew simmering over the fire, and the youngest babies were sleepy and full, the women sat to knit or sew, but mostly complain about their husbands. Helga would rather have been doing dishes.

"Hufflepuff's have boys," Bronwyn was telling Thea, hoisting her youngest son to her breast. "Do not be waiting for a girl, it likely will not happen."

"I had a girl the third time," Alis pointed out; she reached down to make sure her toddler wasn't crawling off.

"I have had four," sniffed Bronwyn, "And you have had three – no doubt that fourth one will be a boy as well." She looked pointedly at Alis' swollen stomach, and Alis blushed.

"We have some catching up to do, Helga." Thea whispered, winking.

Helga mumbled something and sank lower in her chair; she did not want to catch up. She would much rather spend her days in the gardens, tending her lovely plants, but if she said as such to these women, to her mother – well, there would be trouble.

"And when will you be getting married, Helga?" asked Brownyn, setting her steely gaze on her.

Sitting up, Helga swallowed with difficulty. "I – well –"

At that moment, Naama Hufflepuff came in from the greenhouses, boots muddy and robes covered in dirt. "In her own time, Brownyn." She said firmly, placing a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "For now Helga helps me too much, I would be lost without her." She gave Helga a smile from behind Bronwyn's back. "I think Lady Ravenclaw is coming up the lane, love, go on now."

Relieved, Helga barely said goodbye to her family before grabbing her cloak and rushing out. The cold wind nipped at her cheeks, and she waved enthusiastically at Rowena, who beamed back.

"I am so glad you are here," gushed Helga, linking their arms. "My sister-in-law's were asking about when I would be married."

Rowena wrinkled her nose, leading them down a well-worn path into the woods. They were on an expedition to find the herbs that may have survived the early frost; where Rowena was a little useless at such a task, Helga was quick to spot a certain berry under a bush, or a sprig of something come up between a fallen log. "Do they pressure you frequently, about marrying?"

"Not too often, but it does come up. After Haidar and Thea get married I will be the last one, though he is four years older than I, which gives me some excuse."

"My father mentions it from time to time, but not terribly often." Rowena considered a leaf before deeming it a weed, and moved on to a toadstool. "He does not speak with me much."

"Why not?" asked Helga before she could think, and covered her mouth in embarrassment. "I am sorry Rowena, that was insensitive of me – I should not have asked."

"No, no, it is quite all right." Rowena rushed to reassure her. "I believe it is mainly because I look like my mother, who died during my birth, and that must be painful for him..." she trailed off, gaze drifting through the trees, though perhaps somewhere further. "We have never been close, I think...losing her was very painful for him; I will never be able to understand it. It does not anger me, I have nothing to compare my life to, so why should I be?"

Helga fiddled with her basket, eyes downcast. "I am sorry, that must have been – well, lonely."

Considering the comment, Rowena nodded slowly. "I suppose it was, but again – I have never known any different."

"I may know what you mean, to an extent." Said Helga slowly. "I had a sister, but she...she died when I was very young, so I don't remember her. Despite that, I feel as if I have always lived in her shadow."

"That is how I feel, too." Rowena was nodding, "As if – my entire existence is only seen through the light of the incident."

"Exactly." she agreed. "Sometimes it is...exhausting."

"I understand."

The young women fell silent then, focusing on finding herbs. As the sun began to hang low in the sky, they left the woods, arm in arm. Approaching the Hufflepuff home, Helga stopped them.

"Will you come to Haidar's wedding?" she asked, almost pleading. "All my sisters will be pressuring me, and with someone as strong as yourself there – I will feel so much better, and will be able to stand up for myself more. Please, Rowena?"

Stunned, Rowena nodded. "I have never been to a wedding. I would like to attend, very much."

"Oh, thank you!" throwing her arms around Rowena, Helga could have cried; with Rowena at the wedding, she would feel so much stronger. With Rowena, Helga felt as if she could be her own person, not simply the daughter that had lived.

A/N: Aw I do love these gals.

Question: What do you think of the backstories I have given the founder's so far? Is there anything in particular you would like me to address; I have a plot line, but I would still like to hear what you would like/be interested in. 


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