Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

         Ravenclaw castle had not entertained young people in love for nearly two decades – Rodbern and Maida had fallen in love within these very halls, danced in the ballroom as if no one else was there, kissed in courtyards Maida would one day turn into beautiful gardens. Since Maida Ravenclaw had died however, the castle had lacked love of most sorts; Rodbern had lost his ability to be affectionate, and though Ms. Gray loved Rowena, it was not comparable to that of the love Maida had wished to provide her daughter with.

Today, eighteen years since Maida had passed away, love bloomed in the castle once more. Rowena wrapped her robe around herself, forgetting about her messy hair and the fact she was wearing her nightdress.

And then he was there, standing on the balcony where they had met; he turned away from the lake, and his eyes met hers – and everything else melted away. Godric had never seen her look more beautiful, her braid coming undone and eyes still a bit bleary with sleep, wrapped in a deep green robe.

"Happy Birthday, Rowena."

She stood hesitantly in the doorway, arms crossed over her waist. "Thank you, I...well, I was not expecting to see you until this evening."

"Oh, shall I leave –?"

"No!" Rowena said hurriedly, then flushed. "I mean, there must be a reason – what brings you here so early?"

Godric stepped forward and took her hands in his; he could feel the callous on her finger from her quill, those from the reigns of her horse. "I wished to give you your gift."

"There was no need –"

"Rowena." He gazed softly down at her. Rowena was tall, but Godric was taller still; he caught her gaze, taking in those eyes dark as trees after rain, the lake during a storm. "You live in your own world, I only wonder if there is room in it for me."

Unable to look away, Rowena swallowed with difficultly. "Of course there is room for you, I would not have it any other way."

"That is all I have been waiting to hear." He said quietly, and cupped her face in his hand; slowly, and ever so gently, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.

Rowena had never been kissed, nor had she ever had much interest in such things – but Godric Gryffindor's kiss was like drinking lightning, alluring like sleep in the summer sun. Warmth flooded her, and when he pulled away she sighed.

"I hope it is all right that I did that." He said finally, a little sheepishly.

For once in her life, Rowena did not use her words – instead, she went on her tiptoes and kissed him again. One of Godric's hands wove through the base of her loose braid, the other gripped her waist; Rowena rested her hands on his chest, only to pull away, gasping.

"I – I will see you tonight." She said breathlessly, stumbling backwards.

He stepped towards her, reaching for her hand once more. "Wait, I really do have a gift for you!"

"Tonight!" she called over her shoulder rushing back into the castle. Once in her room, she leaned against her door and slid to the floor, aglow with the ghost of Godric's kiss. Pressing her finger to her lips, Rowena wished that this morning would stretch on forever, so she could exist in this afterglow as long as possible.

A/N: ooooh romance! What a start to an 18th birthday.

I'm trying to write a little bit every day, when I have the chance (between my job and being exhausted), so hopefully I can really get this story rolling!


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