Shakespeare's disciple

70 13 3

Chapter 7

The window was opened last night, but I remembered closing it. I pulled my blanket up so it covered my face from the cold gush of air entering my room. I closed my eyes and the events from last night flooded my mind. The way he hugged me. 

He hugged me, and he told me I was amazing

I grinned dreamily, he told me I made him smile. For a moment, hope flooded every inch of my body, and I started mapping every possibility of us being together. We're beginning to build a friendship, I'm growing on him. 

I sprawled lazily on my queen size bed, I had all the time in the world today to fantasize about him. It was a break day for us today, the boss took mercy on us, and decided that we deserve some break.

"My my look at you. Dreaming about lover boy," a familiar voice stated. I got up immediately and scanned my room, I saw a recognizable figure standing at the door. I rubbed my eyes and put on my spectacles, the view became clearer. It was Talia, in one of her adorable onesies.

"What's wrong? You never wore those onesies unless you're sad and you're dying to open up," I asked. She walked slowly towards me, her eyes didn't glistened under the light today. Instead, it was masked with sorrow and hurt, it was dull and it lost its sparkle. Her lips quivered and she opened up.

"Are you're parents out of mind and who do you think you are? Spider-Man? You could've knocked on my he door and I thought I gave you my key?" I screeched. She looked at me apologetically. 

"I wanted to be as stealthy as possible, I didn't want to arouse any suspicions, especially now that I'm technically homeless, I need to crash here for a few days." I embraced her tightly and whispered words of comfort into her ears. She really needed it right now.

These were the struggles of being rich, you rarely have the chance to make your own decisions. You never get the opportunity to grow from your mistakes. Our parents would just slammed those thick wads of notes on the table to cover up our wrongdoings, which they claimed that would eventually tarnish their reputations. 

Besides that, both our parents are hardly at home, they just gave us monthly allowance for us to live on, they're lifeless to us.

There were hardly any traces of them growing up with us in our memories. Talia only gets to talk to her parents when she got into trouble in school or when they needed her to attend some business talks or event dinners. 

My parents are only home for parent teacher meetings. 

So Talia and I basically lived with each other and relied on each other for our whole lives. Since she's in a dire situation, I called Monroe to come over and stay for a few days.

Monroe came over and we spent the day lazing around my house and suntanning at my pool. 

My parents are working round the clock again, and they've been sent overseas by the government (considering the fact that they're the most skilled doctors around) to help take care of the new hospitals set up elsewhere and they'll be gone for a few months before coming back and manage their hospital, educating those student doctors.

I took a sip of my orange juice and spoke up. "I don't want today to be over. I have work tomorrow."

Talia and Monroe chuckled, "Let's order pizza and have a movie marathon, if that cheers you up chlochlo bear" Monroe teased. I groaned in defeat.

"This receptionist guy taking my order is seriously getting on my nerves!" Monroe complained, "Does he not comprehend the meaning of 'three extra large BBQ chicken pizzas'. Sorry we're growing kids and we need our protein." 

Talia sprayed some cold water on her. "Hope that calmed you down!" She screamed and ran away before Monroe could grab her. 

I shook my head, those two can get really childish sometimes despite their tough exterior. I got the DVD set ready. I looked at the two movies those two girls picked and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Monroe's choice, she seriously have a thing for chick flicks.

The usual!!!! The notebook and fifty first dates!!
Mmm... Finding nemo then finding dory.

I placed the movies in an order before picking out the one I wanted. I looked at the rack of horror films, pondering over Annabelle or The conjuring 2. I had already picked The conjuring, and now it's the trouble of wondering whether I should pick the continuous series or Annabelle which is the story before The conjuring. "Stop thinking, you'll always end up choosing Annabelle." Talia suddenly said. 

I gave her the "are-you-serious" look. Talia gulped down a large gulp of soda before throwing a pillow at me. "Just pick Annabelle already!" She exclaimed exasperated.

  • • •  

We made a pact to stay up the whole night.

We ate coffee sweets to keep us going for the next 5 hours, it was going to be 2am. We're on my roof, siting precariously at the edge, dangling our legs in mid air. We're dressed in our onesies as  we looked at the sleeping city. There were hardly any stars that night, and the brightest thing in the gloomy sky was the moon.

We sat under the moonlight, taking about everything and anything that kept us on my mind.

We described the city we saw, the California we saw.

The way it functioned hideously to work out beautifully, the clear distinction between the different districts, the difference between those who knew how to be thankful and those who felt that everything revolves around them. 

The run down apartments with those who desired the wealth in the rich districts. 

Those who lived under a warm roof, love that was evident in the air, where smiles were plastered on every face. 

Then there's those who had magnificent mansions and bungalows, those with private pools and even a mini cinema in those hard concrete blocks.

Everything seem perfect yet everything within was stale and dead.

Perfection. "It's a scary term, it makes me shun it," Monroe said. "I think it's dangerous, it can turn us into beasts, some turned into just skin and bones. Perfection sucks everything out of us, humanity, love, compassion. All those expectations pinned on people. It nabs us of all the delicate detail we hold on to," Talia described. 

It sucks everything out of us. "We're just puppets, expectation and perfection are the scriptwriters and the world is our stage," I drawled, trying my best to stay awake.

We're acting in this play and everyone has a part.

5am. Two more hours, we had gotten down the roof, and we were taking a drive in my Porsche, we drove to the different districts we saw, we absorbed the details of every building that stood on its ground, the buildings that housed those sleeping bodies, sleeping to rest, to escape from this horrid scene of its own. 

The whole of yesterday and today, we were poets and writers of our own tragedy that were never mourned for.

Authors note: I've tried to make this chapter deep. Quite step right HAHA hope you like this chapter, I had a mind block writing it! Vote comment share! Tenks! Xoxo

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