The dress

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Chapter 27

I did not know what I was feeling.  Was it anger, or was it guilt? I could not tell. All I could feel was the tiny voice in my head that kept chanting. You did nothing wrong. You did nothing wrong. It was the situation where you were doing the right things at the wrong timing. Then there was this funny feeling in my gut.

It makes my stomach churn in a sick way and at that moment I felt like throwing up.

But I forced it down my throat. I looked over at Talia, her head held high. Pride was reflected all over her face yet her eyes gave her away, the way it swirled with the mix of anger and fear. She was afraid to get caught, because we would be goners if they knew the real reason why we were snooping around.

I had to protect her, protect us. Right in front of those monsters, monsters who knew unknown power and sorcery that laid unsettled beneath the covers of their smooth skin. They held their arms in an akimbo, waiting for our pathetic excuse that we would possibly come up with. Their eyes were threatening, I could feel it sinking deep into my soul, making my internal self to wail and moan for me to stop looking at those sinister eyes,

"Uh we were just reliving the childhood you know?' I squeaked. "Playing hide-and-seek?"

They looked at me with uncertainty, but they clearly did not want to pursue the issue any longer. "Really Chloe? How old did you think you were five? Have I not warned you not to step into this study room?" Mr Fox said in a grave voice with a solemn look on his face.

"Sorry for crossing the boundaries Mr Fox, I must have forgotten which room it was."

They just nodded their heads and motioned for us to leave the study room and before they shut the great heavy doors in our faces, Mrs Fox smiled at us and spoke in an unearthly tender voice. "Kid's be careful next time alright?" She closed the door right with a heavy soft thud that made the hair on the back of my spine shiver.

Talia and I stared at each other with a relieved look on our faces. We had survived the ordeal but it was far from over, we had to catch a few parts of their conversations. We pressed our ears against the doors, trying to catch the muffled voices that echoed down the silent walls.

"What if they found out about the passageway?" I could hear Mrs Fox soft voice.

"They are just kids Jennifer, they wouldn't have guessed it. End of conversation." Mr Fox voice that spoke with much authority sent the whole room in silence.

It wasn't the end.

• • •

A week had passed since that little 'expedition' and it has come to Friday. The day that we had been waiting for, to execute the third part of the plan. This is a game, a war between our rights and voices.

They can hold on to the deck of cards that pinned us against the table but we can reveal the winning stack on our hands that will turn it around. Especially now that we have something that could help us gain the upper hand.

I walked down the hallways, trying to map out the rest of the plan. My eyes that stared dully ahead, oblivious to the world swirling around me, that's when I bumped into her.

I looked up to see the smug smile on her hideous face. The way her eyes were glaring right into mine, and her nose that was out of proportion.

"I hope you are proud of what you did to me." Monroe snarled. "That's just something to return the little favour." She raises her hand, and brought it down swiftly.

I closed my eyes and flinched. I waited for the pain to explode against my face before I could return it to her. One second, two second, three second. There was no contact, I opened my eyes slowly to see a strong arm grabbing on to her wrist tightly.

"Don't you dare touch her," Calum snarled before releasing his grip from her wrist. Monroe looks at him fearfully before scurrying away. "God Chloe, you should stop letting her bully you."

I scratched my head sheepishly, "I was preoccupied with my thoughts."

"About me? Jeez buttercup, you're making me blush."

I laughed and he kisses me on the forehead. I really needed it for reassurance right now.

• • •

After school, Talia picked me up in my red Porsche. We had sent quite a few letters warning them about their illegal businesses, maybe those empty threats had failed.

"You know, when my parents received the new threats. Their face just turned pale." Talia started. "It was hilarious, you should be there to see them look at each other in horror."

"So are they going to cancel the engagement?"

Talia shook her had, I could tell that she was disappointed. She gave a long sigh before driving into the parking lot of the shop.

"They're stubborn, they don't believe they are in trouble lest we show them we have the evidence." She explained. "Oh and my mother invited Calum over to help us choose the dress."

I smiled, Calum and I rarely spent time together these days, because his parents already knew abot his girlfriend and he was on tight security control. Having curfews to meet, having a chauffeur to bring him everywhere and a bodyguard after school to make sure his girlfriend was no where near him.

This was the perfect time for us to catch up again.

When we entered the store, there was a lady who was designated to serve us. We picked out a few that we thought were nice, but nothing looked good on Talia. I continued flipping through the different dresses they had, from those that had sequin designs  to those that were decorated with a little too much sparkles.

I pushed hangers after hangers, and I saw it.

The perfect one that would look stunning on the two. Simplicity is elegant, the way it revealed a little cleavage and the bottom that were cut along the edges. Making the front of it abit shorter than the flowing back. I screamed and pulled it out from the others.

I pushed the dress against Talia. "This is perfect! Go and try it." She nods her head and walks into the dressing room. It took her awhile before she got out and I could say she looked dazzling. It was the one. She beams from ear to ear before changing back to her own outfit.

But it wouldn't be one we would be buying. It would be two.

"Go and try it!" Talia urges me as she pushed the dress against my chest. "Calum could be here any minute and he would love to see you in that outfit." I chuckled and took the dress from her hands.

I stepped into the large dressing room and pulled the curtains behind me, the large mirror that showed my whole body. I hanged the dress and began to change, slowly. Afraid that I would damage that delicate dress, made of soft white satin.

Just as I was removing my bra, the curtain were pulled open. I squealed and turn to see my intruder, the intruder who had just seen me naked.

I nearly fainted. It was Calum Jones.

My Calum Jones.

Authors note: hey hey so I rewrote the last part because if was unsatisfactory zzzzzz I hope y'all like the improved version! Do remember to vote comment share! Tenks!! Xoxo

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