The Master Plan

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Chapter 1

"Wake up Chloe, it's 7 already, hurry or else we'll be late! Last day of school, you wouldn't want it to end with detention!" Talia screamed into my ear. I groaned and covered my ears with the pillow.

Talia and I are neighbours. Our parents grew up together and occasionally our parents would have business dealings to keep the friendship but the business alive as well. My parents owned a hospital while Talia's parents owned a pharmaceutical company.

Since our parents were constantly in contact, we spent a lot of time together since our diaper years and we had fostered a strong friendship over the years. We had each other's back and we were always there if any of us felt down especially if either one of us was late for school.

"Gosh Chloe, I swear you're a dead log," Talia screamed as she threw a pillow at me.

I groaned and pushed myself up. I shot her a dirty look before stepping into my bathroom to get ready for school.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. This girl with the messy blonde hair, clad in ripped jeans and a crop top. She was stunning but she had eyes devoid of emotions. You could see her blue eyes never resembled the oceans but it took the form of blizzard.

I reached out to pinch her cheeks. I wondered if she felt the pain of those she had taunted, I wondered if she ever felt the affliction in her bones when she never showed mercy to those who were below her.

I slapped her gently.

Ouch. It actually hurts. The girl in the reflection, she is not me.

I tore my eyes from the sickening view and grabbed my bag and car keys. Talia and I made our way towards the pretty red Porsche at the porch.

"I'll say we'll reach at 755," I said as I started the car.

Talia snorted, "If you do, I'll be your bitch for a day."

  • • • 

7.55. Five more minutes before class starts and I had just reached the parking lot of our school, Prestige High.

It had warm bricks and a fire place to give off a cosy ambience but the terror, politics, hatred, sex, bribery and the lusts of sins lingered around these walls. The rich claimed majority of the school population but there is a respectable portion of students who entered through a scholarship.

Prestige High classified students according to their looks and money and the students with scholarships were the bottom of our hierarchy. They were victims of our vicious thoughts and words but even when they were the bottom of the pyramid. They could never escape the snarl of the deceptive games the students played.

In Prestige High, you either eat or get eaten but it was still one of the best education offered in our estate.

Three minutes left and both Talia and I rushed towards our class, strutting in our killer heels. We never allowed ourselves to reach a class looking tardy.

"History sucks and you made history today cause sometime this week I'm your bitch," Talia sighed as we walked into first period- History.

I hated morning classes but the only exception was History. History was the only period I got to share with Calum, the only guy who had ever caught my eye.

Calum is not your typical jock. Although he hung out with the athletes, he dabbled in the arts and was involved with the drama curriculum. He was the only drama student who is well built, standing 6'1 with a distinct jawline added with a touch of soft lips and a refined nose.

But he was also the only popular kid in school who never took any girl who threw herself at him. He was different.

He is a gentle giant and I knew he respected girls as much as he respected himself. He is patient, kind and down to earth. He is also the most accepting person I knew but the only thing that got on his nerve are cheerleaders.

He never looked our way once. He absolutely loathed my community and he classified us as airheads who slept their way through to get good grades. In his eyes, we are desperate, pretty but dumb.

I wished he would look at me different but he is set in his ways. The one time we were partnered for a history project, I blew it up. I submitted the wrong analysis and it took us a lot of persuading and on my part a little flirting with the history teacher so we could submit the original copy. That incident further proved hims right and also amplified his hatred towards us.

He is the only person that was untouchable. I could only admire him from afar and picture impossible scenarios in my head. The unrequited feelings buried in the depths of my heart could only be kept silent.

The rest of the day flew by and any other lesson without Calum in it was simply boring. But the next period that kept me awake was lunch. The only time where cheerleaders gather and tune in to gossips from the jocks or vice versa.

It was absolutely revolting to air others' dirty laundry but the only thing I could do was to keep these stories buried at the back of mind. Perhaps the story never ended from their mouths but the moment it reached me, these tales died.

I always wished I did not have to put up with these nosy girls but Talia enjoyed the drama and I had to put up a front and act as if I enjoyed them so I was not out of place.

Just like any other day, Stacey, our queen of gossips fed us with those unhealthy junk. "Have you heard, Diane tried to force herself on Luke, like have you seen her? With those small tits, who does she think she is" she spoke with distaste.

"I know right, so desperate" the rest of them chorused in unison. I looked up and stared at Talia, her eyes glinting with malice as she smiled mischievously.

"Girls, how about we teach her a lesson?" She piped up. Everyone nodded eagerly and she leaned in and whispered that dreaded plan.

I was involved, unwillingly, at least Talia was sympathetic enough to let me off the hook by giving me a very innocent task- get Diane to the car park.

These girls enjoy humiliating others, they were drunk from the power they possessed. They were so blinded by the need to be top dog, to fit the stereotypes of mean popular girls they abused the power they had to eradicate the social hierarchy.

But I was only a hypocrite who feared to be excluded from the posse and so I went along with their plan. I had skipped the last period and lingered around her locker and waited for the bell. The moment it rang, I took in a deep breath and made my debut.

"Diane! Wait! There's something I need to ask you about!" I called out as I chased after her.

"What do you want Chloe?" Sheasked warily.

"I need advice from you. Do you mind following me to the carpark? I need to show you something." She nodded her head. I smiled and came up with some random topics to keep her off guard.

As we approached my car, I knew this was my cue to leave and I came up with an excuse to leave the scene. I hid behind the wall and prayed that the girls would take mercy on her. Who knew what Talia had in mind?

Authors note:
I'm honestly super duper new so uhhh comment, vote and share if you like it. Thanks!!

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