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The whole of the senior class sat on the cushioned seats, as we waited for the principal to finish delivering his long gibberish. The only excitement was the valedictorian speech which would be delivered by Jae Hemderson. The girls twirled their hair while the boys stares at the carpeted floors of the auditorium.

"So can we now invite a valedictorian of the year, Jae Hemderson!"

The whole auditorium erupted with applause and hoots as Jae stood smartly in her fresh crisp graduation gown, with the little hat sitting at the top of her strawberry blond hair. She taps the mike a few times before starting her speech.

"Dear senior year of 2k16, it was certainly amazing to walk this journey with you. Especially the night at prom, where you gave me a voice, gave me the strength to embrace my sexuality. All of you mofos have been really awesome, and I've never regretted stepping into this school. Keep rocking y'all, and don't ever forget me!" She winks at the crowd, we chuckled at the choice of her words, as the principal sulked at the corner disapproving her speech. Ut was short, sweet, and memorable enough to have it stuck to my brain.

"Can the senior year please rise."

We got off the comfortable seats and stood up, waiting for the impending sentence, the long awaited sentence. The clock slowly ticks, the excitement seeping into the ambience of the room.

"Congratulations on your graduation Senior Year of 2016!"

The auditorium was filled with flying caps, as the seniors hurled it around, screaming, laughing and chattering. The crowd had went berserk, excited about ending this strain of their life and starting a new phase.

The cheerleaders and the jocks gathered together, as we took pictures, asking about the college we've gotten in.

Stacey was not going to college, she was given a scholarship to be a journalist for a tabloid company. Really suitable for her.

Ashly, Heather, and the rest of the girls had been separated. Bought into different colleges located all around the world. Ranging from Britain, France, Germany, Australia and so on.

Luke and Diane, sadly, were in allocated into different colleges. On the bright side, it was only an hours drive away. So they could still keep their relationship going, the love that runs on petrol.

As for Talia, Calum and me, we managed to enter Yale. A prestigious college, where we will continue our new phase in. Write new stories, read new chapters of our lives.

Most importantly, I'm going to write it with Calum.

Authors note: YESSS in finally done!!! Yes I know it's in 2017 but it's fiction so let's pretend everything is 2016 aight. So I may be doing a sequel, but it depends, considering how this book is not very popular :/ and I've been writing poetry, called Written Graves! Y'all can check it out if y'all want to:-)) thank you for your overwhelming support!

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