Rooftop Adventures

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Chapter 10

We cycled through different blocks, past our workplace. I was completely unaware of where we were going, except that we were heading towards an isolated part of the town. I cycled much more slowly, not in sync with his cycling, I was getting prudent. 

The forsaken small forest. I was getting uneasy, even though I trusted Calum, I did not relish the idea of venturing into the unknown. What if we encountered a beast? What if we met with some mishaps? Or what if we get lost and never to be found? 

I stopped peddling.

Calum stopped, he turned around and gave me a quizzical look.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concern clouding his eyes.

"Calum, we're heading towards an abandoned forest..."

He chuckled and he gave me a tight hug, and whispered softly into my ear. "Alexia, it's okay. I've walked around this forest over a thousand times."

I looked into his bright hazel eyes, the gentleness in them, it was evident. The affection. The way it pacify my fear, and the reassurance that flooded every inch of my body. 

He gives me the strength and confidence which I don't possess. We continued cycling until we reached the forest. The secluded part of the forest, where the trees were towering over us. The branches the stretched out, blocking most of the sky that was darkening with its rich green leaves. Calum held my hand tightly and gave me a supporting smile before guiding me through the forest.

He kept walking and walking, every turns every route he takes, he seemed so familiar with this place, it's like he's been through every nook and cranny of this forest. He was also holding my hand through it. 

I looked right at his muscular back as I followed behind him dreamily, the way his brown hair falls perfectly without him trying, the way he held my hand, it feels so safe. I like it. My mind was only filled with thoughts about Calum and when he came to an abrupt stop, I nearly bumped into him.

I snap out of my fantasy and looked around me. That caught my eye.

The sophisticated wooden structure, built so flawlessly. Even the most complex corners were crafted skillfully, I stared at that marvelous structure in awe. It was by far one of the prettiest treehouse I've ever seen. I turned to look at Calum. "Did you build this all by yourself?" I asked, I was fascinated by his ability.

"Well not really," he chuckled nervously, scratching his neck awkwardly. "My sister built it with me." I was surprised. He must've been really close to his sister. I thought.

He held his hand out, "climb up with me?" I nodded my head and placed my palm into his. He helped me up those small steps they built and we clambered into the treehouse. It was simple, the wooden planks that laid comfortably on top of one another.

Everything fitted perfectly. Just like now.

I was so enthralled by the architecture of the building. I had to clear my doubts. "Why did you build it with your sister." He gives me a gentle smile, he laid on the planks and motioned for me to lay beside him.

And I did.

I could feel his heart beating against his muscular chest softly. There was a distinct gap between us but he didn't bother to close it. I could hear him take in a deep breath and he started talking.

"We built the treehouse as an escape. Both my sister and I. Our parents only want us in this world for their benefits. They would sacrifice us in a heart beat if it give them the upper hand in their business. Estella she was wonderful with this, she had nimble fingers and she built this whole thing while I assisted her. We made a pact to come here during the weekends and talk, chat and lament about anything and everything. We even had a promise to bring the ones who we have deep connections with here."

I turned to stare at his face, hurt was embedded deeply into his eyes. But the endearment overpower it, he tucked a wild strand of hair behind my ear and lean in, our face almost touching. 

I looked at his lips, I was tempted to kiss him, but I restrained myself. He moved an inch closer, and he soft voice spoke with much tenderness.

"I like you, and I really do. Go on a date with me. A real one?"

Authors note: I hope this doesn't get too long winded, because I'm trying to create chemistry between them so that their bond is strong! Hope it's not too boring for y'all. Vote comment share!! Tenks!! Xoxo!

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