Chapter ~ 2

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"What's meant to be will always find a way"  

― Trisha Yearwood 

- Viviana -

In a town as small as ours you always know when someone is pulling up to your house. So when I heard the soft puff of a car engine I immediately knew the taxi was here and my heart jumped.

It was time for my adventure.

I had spent the last week shopping, packing and preparing myself for a holiday I was taking alone. My best friend Fraya had been a great help though I could tell she was slighted peeved that I sold the other plane ticket. It may seem like a long shot but going away on my own was an adventure in itself, I didn't need anyone looking after me, no matter what age they were.

After a few moments Serena confirmed what I'd heard and came bounding down the stairs, her dark blonde hair still not brushed. She smiled up at me, missing her bottom tooth.

"Will you miss me stelle?" I asked crouching down to look her in the eye.

Stelle was Italian for stars and as cheesy as it sounds Serena had always been the shining star in my life and was worthy of the nickname.

"Yes, but Mr. Squishy needs you to take him too because he's your guardian angel"

I stared down at her confused. In her hand was her tiny brown bear, the one I'd bought for her when she was born. It had been sewed and stitched so many times in had more bruises than me but Serena refused to ever let it leave her side.

"But you'll miss Mr. Squishy" I said moving her hair behind her ear.

"Duh" she laughed "but he told me not to worry because he was going to take care of you as long as you take lots of pictures with him!"

Tears welled up in my eyes at her maturity. I couldn't get over how grown up she got every day. I blinked away any moisture and took the bear, kissing her forehead as she pulled me into a tight embrace.

Paola was next, standing tall behind Serena with open arms. When I went to hug her I felt her slip something into my pocket and whisper in my ear.

"Take care of yourself babe and break loads of hearts"

I laughed at her and then moved on to my mother and father who, between them, had changed their minds more than eleven times in the last week. It didn't make a difference however I was going no matter what.

"Love you so much Vivy" my mother said kissing both of my cheeks.

"Be good" My father added patting my head.

I allowed my mother to straighten out the pink hight waisted skirt I was wearing and button my blazer. She smiled teary at me as she did.

I turned to pick up my suitcase and bags packed for three gorgeous weeks in the sun. I waved goodbye to them all and hobbled out to the taxi man who helped me put them into his car. I waved at them once more but stopped at the sound of my name. behind me Fraya came sprinting down the road, her wild red main flying behind her.

"Came to say goodbye and ring me and tell me all the gossip" she giggled kissing my cheek and hugging me tightly.

"I will, don't worry Fray" I promiced.

Just before I got into the car I saw the fifty pound note and the three packets of condoms Paola had slipped into my pocket. I sighed and winked at her as I slid onto the leather seats. My aunt was a nut job.

When we got to the airport I was shocked to find what looked like hundreds of screaming girls outside the airport all clad in shorts and tank tops though it was still pretty cold out. They were chanting names and singing songs but I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying.

I pretended when I first got out of the car that they were there for me. That they were going to see me and begin to cheer and clap. I knew I looked like another girl to them but it was nice to think about. Fame was definitely going on my list.

On the Monday after I received the letter I spent the whole day googling the place I was staying in and boy was it fancy. Right beside the beach with three swimming pools, a gym and a massive spa. I had taken every single saving out of my account and was going to blow it all on everything available at the resort. I was going to write a list of things on the plane with things I want to accomplish by the end of my four months. Don't know how I'm going to do them but I'm going to try.

When I eventually got onto the plane I saw the five boys the crowd of girls had been looking for. One Direction. I recognised them from Serena's bedroom, she was crazy about them all and I knew every member and all the facts purely from Serena babbling on about them. To be honest I didn't see it, they seemed like total womanisers to me but I never wanted to ruin it for her.

I scooted down the aisle catching the one I knew to be Harry's eyes and he grinned at me. I smiled slightly back and sat in a seat about three rows ahead of them. They were quite boisterous but then again I could be too when I was with my friends. I popped my head phones on and began relax, taking out my notebook and scribbling down some more ideas for my list. I briefly listened to the instructions and then we took off. I had never been so excited!

Scuba diving, I scribbled

Cliff jumping, I added drawing a little picture to go with it.

I thought for a second and then looked down at the book on my lap. 'The notebook'. I had read it a million times and every time I cried knowing that Noah loved her so much he was willing to re-tell their story over and over again.

Then it came to me and I scribbled one last word onto the page. Sex.

All I wanted was one quick one night stand where I saw what it was like. I didn't want a relationship no, I had promised myself one thing before going away.

I wouldn't fall in love. No matter what.

The plane landed two and half hours later and I packed up my things, gazing out at the summer sun. It was beautiful. I stood up and just as I was about to leave bumped Into the curly haired celebrity again.

"I'm sorry" I squeaked, mentally scalding myself for the high pitched voice.

"Don't worry about it" he laughed placing his hand on my arm "I'll see ya around"

And then he left, leaving me gobsmacked. Note to self: text mama and get her to tell Serena I met Harry Styles.. Sort of.


There's chapter 2!

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