Chapter ~ 31

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"I read once that the ancient Egyptians had fifty words for sand & the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow. I wish I had a thousand words for love, but all that comes to mind is the way you move against me while you sleep & there are no words for that."  

― Brian Andreas, Story People: Selected Stories & Drawings of Brian Andreas

- Harry -

Viv found herself weak the more she said goodbye to the gang and the following morning I had to help her out to the car. She was so limp she wasn't even crying and a thought hit me, the worsted had begun.

I strapped her in and pushed a pillow to the back of her head where she instantly drifted off. She hasn't had her injection yet so I mentally noted helping her when we got home.

The boys stood at the entrance of the apartment block and waved goodbye like zombies, no one really sure of what to do.

They had all been drowned with tears at the story of our wedding and were now to dry to think. If only they knew the half of it.

I took another glance at my wife, the word sweet in my mind. How had I gotten so lucky yet so unlucky, she 

didn't deserve this but there was no use in thinking about it. 'Life goes on' my father always said but I hated that phrase, why could I freeze time and live in this moment, where the freshest memory in the mind was the day we truly showed our love. Our wedding day.


- Viv -

Large mahogany doors stood proudly in my path with brass circular handles. I waited for exactly three minutes and five seconds, taking in the moment. Nothing could have compared to it.

The sun had set completely and the bright silver moon was high in the sky, shining over the final fireworks and stars. The summer air was cool and from the steps of the city hall it blew my hair slightly in the wind. The street behind me was fairly empty apart from a few of couples strolling back to the festival in the centre.

I fixed the white, lace, summer dress and set the small bouquet of daisies between both my hands. Then, with one last deep breath I open the doors to his smiling face.

There was no one else in the hall where civil ceremonies were preformed, just Harry and the priest. Harry didn't look nervous and I was glad. I couldn't understand why you could be nervous about something you were so sure about.

Everything looked so peaceful as I met Harry and took his hands, the empty pews and high ceilings made things seem more intimate and private. It was perfect.

Something about the way his eyes shone in the candle light made my heart flutter like nothing I'd ever experienced before yet they were so trusting like I had nothing to be afraid of. And I didn't, I wasn't nervous or worried or even emotional I was in this perfect state of happiness and so was he and in an instant we became one. I suddenly grasped why marriage was so powerful, why it was so hard to end.

I knew out marriage wouldn't be like any other, I realized that the option of children and growing old was not in our books but this marriage, the one me and Harry had right here, right now, that was different, it was a promise, a promise to love each other until the end and when the going got tough I could trust him no matter what.

"Have you any word you would like to say to each other?" The priest asked as he handed Harry and I the rings, which as I'd expected, were beyond beautiful.

I panicked slightly and looked at Harry who smiled, tears forming in his green emeralds. "Viviana, I know we've only know each other a short while but I can't bear to think of my life before you, before you. It seems meaningless looking back and I know people will think we're ridiculous getting married so young but right, here right now, that's all that matters. It kills me to think of the real reason were here but I promised you I would be here and I always stick to my promises, till the end, forever and always"

His brutal honesty left a frog in my throat and all I could choke out was "I love you so much" but for him it was enough and I knew, the route of my mind would be revealed sooner rather than later.

Harry slipped his ring onto my finger and mine onto his.

"Congratulations, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride"

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With a chuckle Harry grabbed me close to his body and leaned my over like in the films to plant his soft lips onto mine, brief but meaningful and like that I was Mrs. Styles. Nothing couldn't have faltered that moment.

Our hands never parted from cityhall to our hotel and as he led me up to the hotel room I realized, this would be the first time we were intimate in a long time. Being sick had its disadvantage as you can imagine but I wasn't nervous, not in the slightest, I was willing and didn't hesitate as he lifted me up to wrap my legs around his waist. For several hot minutes we kissed intensely in front of the king sized bed and then, the warmth of his fingers found the bottom of my dress and I shrugged it off me with ease.

For the rest of the night Harry and I became so entranced in each other that I couldn't tell where his body began and mine ended. His lips had tenderly found every part of his body and mine his. The pleasure was impossible to explain and I was breathlessly struggling to keep going.

Ultimately I couldn't keep going but it didn't bother Harry he just smiled lovingly and took me in his arms so I could drift into a world where even my dreams couldn't compare to my reality.

I was mrs styles.

And we were going to be together until the end.


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