Chapter ~ 14

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"When someone is in your heart, they're never truly gone. They can come back to you, even at unlikely times." - Mitch Albom

- Viv -

I sat cross legged on my parents bed, Serena sat in front of me. I couldn't remember the last time I'd sat in this same position brushing Serena's hair but nothing was more relaxing.

"Do you think I could make my hair the same colour as yours Vivvy?" Serena asked turning to smile at me.

I instinctively patted my pink hair which was up in a bun and smiled back at her.

"I don't think Mama would be too impressed Stelle, and anyway, your hair is so beautiful why would you want to change it?"

Serena shrugged. I brought the brush through her hair several more times before I began to French plait her gorgeous auburn hair.

"Why is your hair pink Vivvy, you had the same hair as me?"

"Well S" I sighed trying to put it into words "I guess I felt like I needed a change, something different"

"Because your sick?" She whispered the words softly, as though she was afraid to ask.

I stopped plaiting and turned Serena to look at me, she would never understand the true meaning of what was happening until I was gone.

"Serena I love you very much you know that? So I want you to promise me that you won't worry about me and think only of yourself"

This wasn't the first time Serena had tried to understand what was happening, Mama wanted to keep it from her completely but my sister was brighter than any other kid I knew, it wasn't going over her head.

When I finished her hair I clipped it with a bow and sent her off to play with her Barbies, then I skipped happily down the stairs and headed for kitchen. I had my off days but today's wasn't one of those days and I was going to make the most of it.

"Fraya I'm very worried about her, I found her in a state in the living room the other day. I don't know what to do" I could hear Mama and Fraya whisper quietly in the kitchen and I stopped to listen behind the half open door.

Fraya was perched on the counter with Mama busily working around her, trying to cook. My mother and Fraya had always gotten along, in fact my mother got along ok with most of my friends but I guess her being so young for a mother would be a big factor.

"I'm worried too Emilia, she refuses to come to the cinema with me or even shopping. She just wants to sleep all day!" Fraya said

"What about that boy" Mama queried "has she heard anything more from him do you know what happened?"

I could see Fray sigh "no" she whispered "she wouldn't talk about it I really hope she's ok!"

I couldn't take hearing any more. I burst through the kitchen door and smiled brightly at Mama and Fraya who looked like two deer caught in headlights. Ha sad my ass, I had cancer for christ sake I wasn't going to be doing cartwheels was I?

"Evening Ladies!!" I beamed "Mama where's grandmas famous cheesecake recipe?"

Mama frowned "you want to make cheesecake? Now?"

"Yep!" I laughed popping the p and opening the presses to have a look.

Fraya hopped off the counter and came over and felt my head. "Feeling ok there babe?" She teased.

I smirked sarcastically and rolled my eyes. "I'm just happy!"

I found the old piece of paper and took it out to read. I scanned through all the ingredients. I was on my way to the fridge when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!!!" Serena screeched from upstairs parading down the stairs.

I giggled and continued to collect the tub of condensed milk from my fridge. Mama and Fray started a conversation on eggs as I began baking to obviously make it look like they were never talking about me but then, out of no where they suddenly went silent.

"Erm... Hi"

I spun around at the deep voice and was paralyzed at the sighed ahead of me.

What was he doing here?


- Harry -

Beautiful as ever Viv's brown eyes widened at the sight of me in her kitchen.

I suppose it was pretty crazy seeing me here but after what felt like rethinking a million times I just bit the bullet and drove into her town. It was smaller than Holmes Chapel and the people seemed friendlier. I only had to ask one person where she lived and they knew straight away. But none the less I still sat in my car outside the door for at least half an hour before I actually went in.

"Harry what are you doing here?" Her voice sounded an octave higher than usual. I suddenly realized I didn't know how to respond to that question.

"Eh...well...I came to see you"

Silenced filled the room as the three women in front of me looked at each other and then back at me. The eldest woman could've been mistaken for Viviana they were so alike and the other girl must've been the friend she'd told me about with the fiery red hair and bright green eyes.

I waited for someone to say something but everyone was speechless that was until I felt I tug on my shirt. The little girl who opened the door and let me in smiled. She had to have been Viv's sister.

"We spoke on the phone Harry but I would like to introduce my self properly. My name is Serena Ambrosini Campbell! Nice to meet you" She held out her hand and I took it gladly surprised at how old she was for her age.

"Pleasure to meet you too!"

Viv's mum laughed "yes yes sorry dear, how rude of me! I'm Emilia, Viv's mama. It's so lovely to meet you"

Emilia came over and kissed both my cheeks. Followed by the red headed girl who held out her hand.

"Fraya" she smiled "Best friend of V's and big 1D fan. If Niall's ever looking for a red headed half Irish girl I'm available!"

I laughed and nodded "I'll keep that in mind"

"Harry can we go for a walk?"

It wasn't really a question because Viv was already leaving.

"It was nice meeting you all" I grinned awkwardly and followed Viv.

Her house was merely a few meters from a small park and she stopped and sat down on a bench. I sat down beside her.

"You know you can't just come visit people Harry" Viv said after awhile looking at her feet.

"You can't just make someone fall in love with them and then out of nowhere call it off and not answer their phone!" I snapped feeling angry at all the pain she'd caused me.

A tear slowly rolled down her cheek like a stab in my chest.

"It's complicated Haz" she croaked, sniffling and pulling her coat around her more.

I frowned and picked up her chin "then help me understand Viv, what we had that was...was like nothing I'd never experienced I really want to make this work I mean did I do something wrong? I can handle any news just please. Explain it to me"

Another few minutes passed as she looked into my eyes. "Harry I really want this too work too but -"

"Then we'll make it work there's nothing stopping us. Are you not willing to try?" I was literally begging at this stage.

"I am willing" Viv smiled sadly "but there's something I have to tell you first"

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