Chapter ~ 4

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"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness."  

― Friedrich Nietzsche

- Harry -

The sound of laughter awoke me from what must've been a deep sleep. I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes as I looked at the small alarm clock beside my bed. How could it be seven PM already? I thought, blinking and realizing I was still in my capris and polo shirt. I must've fallen asleep after coming back from the pool but I couldn't understand why I had a thumping headache. Then I remembered the shots of tequila and Viviana.

She had just run off, like I'd said something crazy. All I wanted was a date. I suppose I did sort of shout it at her and we did only know each other a few hours but there was no denying something happened between us, a spark I'd never experienced. Everything about her made my heart beat ten times faster. Her high pitched laugh, the way she pouted her lips when she was thinking and even the little snort that would come out when she found something really funny. Things were going so well until, out of nowhere, she looked at me differently and ran off.

I got up reluctantly and walked downstairs. The boys were all out on the small patio, drinking beers and laughing about something that had happened on tour. I grinned half heartedly at them and grabbed a beer.

"Not so fast cowboy!" Louis said happily as he smacked my hand away from the beers "we're going out now"

I sighed. I wasn't in the mood to go out. "I think I might stay in" I grumbled

The boys all groaned.

"No way Harry" Zayn said, standing up the rest of the boys "we said we'd make the most of this trip and that means curing hangovers with...."

"More alcohol!" Liam, Niall and Zayn chorused

I shrugged, I guess that wasn't such a bad idea.

The hotel was right beside the town so within a few minutes we were in the centre of the action. Santa Ponza. Young people crowded the streets scantily clad and barely standing up straight. Girls linked as they hopelessly made their way down the cobbled street in six inch heels, laughing at how clumsy they were. A Great atmosphere altogether but I still wasn't in the mood for fun. Louis stopped outside a club playing Rihanna loudly and smiled clearly deciding that this is where we were going.

"C'mon" Liam smiled clapping my back "Once you get a drink you'll be fine"

"Right so but this round is on you"


- Viv -

Stay safe sweetheart, love you.

I felt teary at my mothers message. She was one of the most important people in my life, I didn't deserve the love she gave me and that was partly the reason I had to go away. I needed to accept that soon, I was leaving and being with her, with my family. It was just too damn hard.

I responded with a picture I took of myself by the pool, I wanted her to see how happy I was even it that wasn't the whole truth.

"Can I buy you a drink babe?"

I spun on the bar stool to find a tall British boy with a nice tan and stylish clothing. He was sleazy and quite creepy. Exactly what I was looking for. I winked and nodded indicating I did in fact want a drink. He didn't bother to ask me what I wanted but the music was so loud he wouldn't have heard me anyway. After the whole incident at the pool I decided tonight was the night I was getting it over with. I shaved, did my hair and dressed up in the sexiest outfit I owned. I was wearing a tight midnight blue body-con that stopped less than two inches under my ass and had two cut outs at the side, just under my chest. It had a sweetheart neckline but was so tight that it hitched my boobs on closer and pulled them up. To top it all off I was wearing heels so high I could nearly see the dandruff in people's hair. I was looking slut-y-licious as Fraya would say.

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