Chapter ~ 32

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"The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning." - Ivy Baker

Dad looked at me funny from the table where he and Harry were sitting, discussing golf. I clutched onto the counter and sniggered with all my might but even that was a difficult task.

"I'm up because I'll be exhausted after Gracie comes later"

Neither looked to sure but I ignored them and slowly but surely made my way around the kitchen, clutching onto counters and doors as I went. My breathing was raspy by the time I'd reached the kitchen table but my eyes were enough to tell both men to stay far back or I'd use my last bit of energy to slap them silly. I caught my breath from the side of the table and continued to move, while my dads eyes focused on the shiny gold band around my finger.

They didn't know. But they knew. As soon as Harry carried me through the door that evening mamma saw the band immediately and exchanged that knowing glance with my father who also said nothing. No word was mentioned between us and even after Harry made a twitter statement and the world seemed to blow up with excitement around our spur-of-the-moment marriage nothing was mentioned in the house. It was very odd.

Everything had calmed now a week and half later. The reporters had stopped calling to the house, Poala had stopped giving them the finger from my bedroom window and my mothers blood pressure had gone down. Despite that however, any secrets we'd ever had we're out including my mothers. We were doing all we could to avoid any news because as much as it hurt us it hurt Harry the most.

I attempted to move but stopped again, miserably failing at pretending to look fine. Then on my second attempt Harry stood up, startling my dad who realized his tea had gone cold.

"I think I'm getting a bit lazy, haven't been to the gym in a bit" Harry smiled "if only I had something to carry upstairs and give me a bit of a workout, hmmm?"

I hid my sheepish grin and coughed. "I could help" I mumbled looking down and admitting defeat.

His arms were pulling me onto his back in seconds and with my hips wrapped around his waist and my chin settled on his neck he brought me back upstairs to my room.

"My wife's almost the same colour as her sheets, better get you some toast and my famous scrambled eggs"

Harry lay me down on the bed and fixed my pillows so I was upright.

"And while your there you could make me some too" Poala called from next door clearly eavesdropping.

I bit my lip "I'm not hungry"

Harry's face turned serious "you need to eat something Viv you barely ate your breakfast"

I didn't eat my breakfast.

I knew I was scaring Harry but my appetite was completely gone and the cereal Harry had left by my bed was discreetly poured down the sink when Harry left to get me a napkin.

I nodded anyway and allowed him some time to himself knowing I wasn't going to eat whatever he made me.

I turned the tv and sadly watched the happy reporter boast from a busy beach about the hottest whether Britain had ever experienced at the end of August.

It was weird to think I'd probably never see a beach again. Not as in sad but just weird, the thought was kind of surreal like I was trying to convince myself unicorns were real.

While waiting I heard Fraya come in and seconds later she had bounded up the stairs to greet me. She was cla d in high waisted tie dye shorts and a loose crop top. Her bright orange hair was pulled up into a bun. She actually looked kind of tanned.

"Hey" I coughed "you look nice"

Fraya climbed onto Harry's camp bed and picked up the remote "thanks babe, so do you"

I scoffed, I looked anything but good. My hair hadn't been washed in a good few days, my face was thinner than it had ever been along with my body and the clothes I was wearing hung loosely on me like a child dressing up. She was just being polite but it kind of annoyed me.

Fraya flicked through the channels until she landed on some rerun of a sitcom I'd never seen then she turned to face me. Her eyes looked worried and then suddenly, she burst into floods of tears and my heart broke.

From the corner of my eye I could see Harry look into the room and then slowly walk out, clearly aware she wanted to talk to me.

"Fray what's wrong?" I whispered wrapping my arm with great effort around her shoulder so she could sniffle into my top.

That's when it all just came out. Everything about college and how Fraya had been seeing this guy and it turned out he was cheating on her but she didn't do anything and how she thought she was pregnant but despite everything that had happened, she never told me because she was afraid I had enough on my plate.

Then her blue eyes looked up at me with the utmost innocence and her voice shook as she spoke "I don't know how I'm going to survive without you"

After that moment I guessed Harry had gone out because Fraya stayed with me while Gracie came and held my hand while I she inserted the ghastly tube into my nose and connected it to a tank that I hated to admit actually made me feel better. A lot was going on and I realized now was my chance, my chance to leave something in my memory.

That's when I began writing notes.

Fraya left and in the space between her leaving and Harry returning I picked up an old notebook and pen and began, not even one hundred per cent sure of what.

I sighed.


Dear Fraya,

It's weird to ever think of a life before you fray, you were my first real friend and you've always been there for me, even when we were fighting you could never hold a grudge and I always envied you for that. There's not enough paper in the world for me to go on but there are a few thing I'd like to say.

Don't ever let anyone bring you done Fray, you've no idea how many times I sat there wishing I had you boobs and the curve of your hips and the wildness of you hair. Your stunning beyond belief and don't even get me started on your personality, you deserve someone who treats you with respect and don't ever settle, shoot for the moon, as you always told me, if you miss you'll land amongst the stars.

In terms of me, well, I may be your best friend but you'll find another best friend. Don't sit there and dwell on what was, smile and move on. I don't really know what happens but ill be by your side somehow, maybe in spirit but who knows?

Look after Serena too, she's the one person I worry most about but I trust you'll be there for her when she needs a female role model who's not my mother or my crazy aunt. Inform her of whatever she needs and don't ever let her get a boyfriend. Watch out for my little bro too, make sure he's cool and please don't loose touch. Your a 

Part of the family and always will be.

Work hard, have fun and dear god stay safe. Your an only child, your all your parents have. I love you more than words can say Fraya Alice Hemmings and please - Don't ever change, for anyone.

With all my heart,  

Viviana xxxx


I locked the notebook in my drawer and fell asleep to sound of Harry reemerging back upstairs. I was comforted by this notebook but now that I'd started it, now that I was accepting it, I knew my time was soon.


Ok so I'm balling writing this because my own letter really struck a nerve!! :(

I'm really sorry if there's not much happiness in this and it wasn't a very Habbie chapter but the end is near :( :(

How did you feel about the letter, sad or ok??

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