Chapter ~ 13

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"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage" - Lao Tzu

- Viv -  

"Chop chop Viviana the nurse will be here soon" Mama rushed around our kitchen, putting pots in presses and spraying the counters with disinfectant. She wasn't great with visitors.

"You missed a spot there Emilia" Paola teased making Serena giggle and spill her cereal all over herself.

"Oh for heavens sake Paola grow up, Serena's soaked!" Mama cried rushing to Serena with a tea towel "go up and get changed now Serena!"

I wasn't surprised when this morning Dad suddenly had to go to work and couldn't stay for the nurses visit, I didn't blame him, I would've done the same but some of us can't run from our problems. Today a call out nurse for cancer patients was calling to the house to explain what was going to happen to me over the next few months. I wasn't bothered with it, it was all leading to the one place, but Mama insisted.

"Oh figlio di puttanta!!" Basically saying 'oh son of a whore' Mama ran to the over oven and took out the almost burnt brownies giving me the chance to slip out and amble into our living room.

The living room was eery, like thousands of memories were dying as the years went on. Every inch of the wall were covered with dusty old pictures of me and Serena, some of my parents wedding day and things we'd made or drawn for Dad and Mama. It was basically an archive but we were rarely in the living room. It was a place for spending time as a family and that's hard to do when your eldest needs to be taken to appointments 24/7.

I collapsed into the couch, pulled my robe around me and picked up the remote. The buttons were stiff from having not been pushed in months and there was literally nothing on TV. I skipped past a few re-runs of friends, some cooking shows and stopped on a channel that caught my eye. Smiling happily, five boys sung their hearts out on a beach in America, acting crazy and fun as usual. It was like a train wreck I couldn't take my eye away from, his face was haunting me like some weird movie. I was being dramatic, the boys were naturally going to be everywhere I looked but this video in particular reminded me of them so much. I pressed my fingers on the off button but it wouldn't work and the more I tried the more worked up I got.

When my mother came into me I was sprawled In a lump in front of the tv, shaking and crying so hard that sounds I'd never heard before were echoing from my mouth. What was happening to me?


Anne Ryder was exactly how you'd imagine a cancer patient nurse. She was a short, plump lady in her mid forties with a bob haircut and a bright smile. She seemed like the kind of person who was patient and kind but then again she'd have to be considering the work she did.

She sat across from me at the kitchen table with the cup of tea Mama had made her. Mama had wanted to stay but I insisted she left, this wasn't for the faint hearted.

"Viviana have you been experiencing any symptoms yet?" Anne asked politely, taking out her notebook.

"I've just been sleeping a lot, feeling a bit down I guess"

Anne nodded and then scribbled some notes, story of my life. "That's to be expected now I'm here to just explain what's going to happen as I'm sure you know"

I nodded slowly.

"Ok well I'll continue. Viviana the cancer is spreading slowly upward meaning that in a few weeks time it'll start affecting your lungs, you will start feeling a lot of shortness of breath and when that happens you'll probably have to be put on bed rest. Unfortunately it doesn't get better from there. Your limbs will begin to weaken and you'll have lost your appetite completely, then the sudden weight loss, especially on a girl as thin as yourself, will begin to affect your heart and your body will slowly shut down. Have you any questions so far?"

Her eyes were soft as I tried to take in everything she was saying. "Will it hurt?"

My voice was barely audible but I didn't need to be loud, she knew what I was going to ask.

"No" she smiled sympathetically "by then you'll have just drifted into your own world, it will be very peaceful honey"

- Harry -

Twitter was boring as usual and I wasn't in the mood to tweet anyone. In fact I wasn't in the mood to do anything but the apartment was a mess, I wasn't dressed and Louis told me he was coming over against my will. I huffed and got off the couch, dragging my legs behind me as I went to get dressed. I threw on an old pair of tracksuit bottoms, a loose t shirt and my green beanie.

Louis happily greeted me at the front door with a six pack of beer and a smile.

"Today my friend" Lou fling his arm around my neck "You and I are getting shit faced"

I removed his arm and boiled the kettle.

"Mate it's been two weeks. She's not going to call you back"

I ignored him and took a teapot from the press, filling it with water. I swirled the tea bags over and over deep in thought.

"Mate I know it's h-" louis sighed again walking over to pat my back.

"You know what Lou" I brightened cutting him off "your right, she's not

Going to call me back!"

"Good" Lou chirped "so you'll get drunk with me!"

I laughed.

"Nope! if she won't call me

Back I'm just going to have to drive to Framlingham to see her!"

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