Chapter ~ 16

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"The world is indeed full of peril and in it there are many dark places. 

But still there is much that is fair. And though in all lands, love is now 

mingled with grief, it still grows, perhaps, the greater." ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

- Emilia -

Yesterday's newspaper sat across from me at the kitchen table reminding me of the date. June 4th. It had been an entire month since my daughter maturely decided to stop her cancer treatment.

In that month I'd probably had four hours of sleep. It's not something you get used to, the thought of your daughter leaving the world. It was horrifying and I couldn't tell if this boy being here was making it worse or making it better. He was a distraction from it all but he was taking the precious time I had left from me and a month had passed already.

I picked at the musli I'd made myself but didn't feel well enough to eat it. I eventually dumped it and began to clean, something I'd taken to doing obsessively recently.

Twenty years ago, barely sixteen years old I never thought my life would be like this. Wilting away before I'd even reached forty. I remember when I found out I was pregnant with Viviana. I was just a student in Britain I couldn't have a child. I worried that my religious mother would make me give her up for adoption, worried I'd have a miscarriage because of the stress. I worried a lot as you grew older but my worried were minor to the ones I have now.

Nothing prepares you for this. No words could possible describe it.

"Mama?" I turned to find Viv staring at me from the kitchen door. Her cheeks were rosier than I'd seen them in weeks.

"Morning Love" I greeted spontaneously pulling her into a hug. She confusedly resisted at first but then hugged me back.

V took a seat at the breakfast bar and picked up the newspaper.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked opening the fridge.

Pensive for a moment she smiled at me in a way that reminded me of the old Viv, young and ready for anything. "Pancakes!"

I laughed and began searching for ingredients, Serena would be up soon. She loves pancakes.

It was early still and I was glad to have the alone time with V. I served up the pancakes and sat on the stool beside hers feeling kinder towards this then that darned musli.

"Mama Harry asked me to go to Cheshire with him to meet his family today?"

I sucked in my cheeks and stopped eating.

"Today?" I choked "but I thought we could do something together"

Viv frowned at me and placed her hand over mine. No words passed between us but I knew she wanted to go as it would give her some time to tell him the truth.

"V" I sighed again "He's going to be heartbroken"

"That's why I need to tell him, when he's with his family, so he'll"

Suddenly my stomach lurched. Eyes widening I ran to the downstairs bathroom where I hurled the contents of my stomach into the toilet. Behind me Viviana stood shell shocked, her hand rubbing my back. How many times had I done this for her?

"Mama what's wrong?" She stressed as I rested my head on the seat, feeling nauseous.

I thought back to previous days but nothing strange came to mind.

"It's nothing" I lied "probably some bad food poisoning"

She didn't look convinced but it may have been my face because as soon as I said it I realized what it was.


- Viv -

"It was nice meeting you sir" Harry said shaking Dad's hand. My father nodded approvingly and then winked at Serena who giggled.

"Good bye dear lovely seeing you" Mama leaned over to kiss Harry's cheek and then she turned to me.

"I love you so much Vi" she said through stifled tears.

We kissed goodbye and I carried my bags out to Harry's car while he said goodbye to Serena who was devastated to see him leave.

I don't know why every time I said goodbye to my family my heart broke, maybe it was because they always looked so sad or maybe because it could be my last goodbye.

It was a three hour drive to Cheshire, not long enough to tell someone you wouldn't make it past September but long enough to catch up and remember why you loved a person.

I must've drifted off because I was awoken my Harry's soft kiss on my cheek. I opened my eyes to see the sun glaring through the windshield.

I sat up straighter and look at the house I assumed Harry called home. It was nothing spectacular, your average home but there was something more home like about it.

Bright Green ivy draped the left side of the house almost covering the clear open windows. The garden consisted of a patch of grass perfectly maintained and a flower patch at the back.

I smiled brightly at Harry?

"Home sweet home?" I asked

"Home sweet home" he replied.

The house was empty when we got in which gave me time to snoop. Harry started making lunch while I stood in the hallway grinning at photos of naked baby Harry with a hose and him a donation suit. Every inch of the wall was covered in stunning family photos of people I was so nervous to meet.

"Babe?" Harry's hand slid onto my stomach as he hugged me from behind "just doing some snooping yeah?"

I thought about it for a second and then nodded making him laugh.

"C'mon" he said taking my hand "they'll be home soon, lets sit outside and have some lunch"

Sitting on the patio Harry and I had the nicest sandwich I'd ever eaten. I'd explain it but no words could describe how great that sandwich was. When I had finished telling Harry this he shook his head at me.

"What?" I asked frowning at him.

"How did I land someone as amazing as you? I mean all the other girls I've met wouldn't go near a sandwich never mind devour it!"

"Hey!" I slapped his arm trying to draw away the attention "it was a good sandwich"

Harry stood up and slipped off his shirt so he could bathe in the sun. I wanted to make some cheek remark about him being a tease but the combination of his six pack and the sunlight blurred my mind too much.

We lay in the sun for almost an hour when I heard the sound of a car door slamming and my heart leapt.

"Oh look my mums home" Harry said standing up.

"Eh uh.... Oh god Harry what if she doesn't like me?" I stuttered nervously.

Harry helped me up and then kissed my forehead.

"She will love you... I promise!"

Oh god I really did hope so.


Hola Amigas.... Ok so that was the worst chapter I've ever written and I'm sorry but I promise ill make the next one better!!

What do you thinks wrong with poor Emilia then.....? *smirks at suspense*


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