Chapter ~ 22

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These next few chapters are kind of going to get intense so beware of soppy parts and I'm sorry if some of you are itching for the main revolution but that's the plot kind of so be PATIENT

Most people want to be circled by safety, not by the unexpected. The unexpected can take you out. But the unexpected can also take you over and change your life. Put a heart in your body where a stone used to be."   ― Ron Hall - Harry - The large collage that the boys had made us of Spain hung in the hallway. I stood and smiled at it, missing Viv. This was second time in the month we had been living together that Viv had gone back to visit her family in Framlingham. I always felt really bored and useless when she was gone. I drew myself away from the wall and into the kitchen where I made myself a sandwich, feeling somewhat more content than usual. I sat down to eat my sandwich. My phone was sitting on the table flashing bright over and over again to tell me I had three new messages. The first one was from Louis. 'Mate is it true? Call me' Confused I looked at the next one from Liam 'Please tell me that's a fake Haz' Even more baffled I checked the final one from Niall 'Guessing you haven't seen this, here's the link' My finger hovered over the link as a million and one things flashed through my mind. What the hell was going on. The link brought me to a national magazine's website where the bold headline made my eyes bulge and my heart race. 'ONE DIRECTION STAR SET TO BE A DAD AT 19' Underneath was an article I was frightened to read. 'That's right, just when you thought the news that Harry Styles (19) and girlfriend Viviana Campbell (18) were moving In together wasn't shocking enough StarMag can now reveal the eighteen year old half italian girl from Framlingham is now with child! Viviana was spotted leaving the Maternity block in the local hospital yesterday in Framlingham, hiding her face and looking flustered. Many speculated it was publicity but a source of ours spoke to one of the hospitals nurses. "Yes ms. Campbell was in with us having a sonogram, she was very upset and in a lot of shock" Amanda, a senior nurse told us. We're all very shocked too here in StarMag HQ! Keep an eye out for more updates on how Harry's taking the news'. No. That was the only word running through my head. It's not possible, Viv and I are always safe there's no way this could've happened. My mind was reeling. Why wouldn't she tell me? Is that why she went home? I looked at the picture over and over, begging it to be someone else But the resemblance from what I could see was uncanny. Her light brown hair even looked the same as Viv's now that the pink was washed out. It had to be her. Maybe she's scared. Maybe she's afraid to tell me. I shuddered at the thought of her going through this alone. I mean I am eighteen but it's not like I can't support a child, I've got enough money and god knows there's enough room in this apartment. I felt myself tear up at the thought and before I could stop myself I was dialing her number. "Hey babe how's things -" "Is it true" My voice was barely audible. Silence filled the other end of the other end of the phone. "Is what true?" She asked confused, sounding like she was leaving a busy room. I sighed and then swallowed "are you pregnant?" "What?! No!!" She screamed "Viv it's ok if you are ok I don't want you to go trough this alone, you know I'll be here and we can -" "Harry!!" I stopped at the sound of Viv laughing. "I'm not pregnant, what are you on about?" "But there's a picture of you on StarMag leaving the maternity part of the hospital and a nurse told them you were at a sonogram" I shook my head bewildered "Who is it then?" "I have no idea Haz but it's not me, I've been at home all day, chilling with Serena. I'll look it up now on my pho - oh my god." Her voice cut off "What?!" I blurted "It's nothing Harry I'll call you back"

Viv hung up leaving me looking at my phone perplexed. Well if it isn't her, who in god's name is it?   - Viv - Mama. It wasn't me in the picture. It was my mother. I'd know that figure anywhere because I had always envied it. But why was my mother leaving a hospital yesterday when she told me she was going shopping. I sat down feeling dizzy. She would've have told me, wouldn't she? I crossed the hallway slowly, opening the door and looking at the only person in the room. The person who was lying to me. I knew it the second I saw her, there was something different in her eyes. They looked like mine when I was staring at Harry. Regretful and ashamed. "Mama why didn't you tell me?" I didn't even need to question her. She looked at me and within seconds burst into tears and ran into my arms. I joined her, the realization of why this was she was so miserable hitting me like a bullet in the chest. I was never going to meet my little brother or sister. I wondered for a second if that really was the reason my mother couldn't bear the thought of having another child or was it the heartbreak involved with children. The thought that one day they might leave your world before you and when it's not their time. There was no one in the house and for the first time in what felt like forever my mama and I cried into each others arms, comforted by the warmth our bodies. We didn't speak for an hour, we just cried on the sofa, cried until there was no tears left. And then when it came to talking my mother looked at me and smiled sadly. "My little girl is comforting me. When did you get so grown up? When did I become the one falling apart?" I sniffled loudly and wrapped my arm around her shoulder, feeling closer to her than ever before. "Mama think of it this way. I'll be up there looking down on him or her and you'll know he or she will be safe" Mama sniffled too "it's a boy Vivvy" I had to press my lips together to stop myself from starting off again. "That's amazing!" I whispered pulling her into an embrace "I think it's time for a movie marathon and lot of chocolate now. yes?" Mama laughed louder than I'd heard her in a long time "yes darling, sounds wonderful" And so, for the rest of the evening mama and I cuddled on the couch watching reruns of Gilmore girls and any Leonardo Di Caprio film we could find while eating tub after tub of Ben and Jerry's. It was closest I've felt to mama and though it was August and time was was fading I didn't feel like I was missing anything any more. Somewhere inside me I was feeling content. And anyway the summer ball was next week, that was going to be a once in a lifetime experience. Let's hope nothing happens before then.   ***** Yes that's right.... *CHAPTER 23 SNEAK PEAK* I felt numb in my dress and the boy I called my boyfriend was blurry under the black spots. It felt like blood was falling from my nose but my hands wouldn't lift up to see. The dress was red but it looked white, maybe it was the lighting. I looked down and back up feeling nauseous. Why is everyone so blurry I thought through the thumping sound in my head. I opened my mouth to breath but there was no air coming in, I thought I was choking but I felt like I was flying somewhere, being lifted high into the sky. Someone was shouting but it sounded like a buzz. Then I collapsed to the ground in front of almost a thousand people.

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