Just a friend

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Alex and Elizabeth were walking through the nearby forest until Elizabeth decided to ask Alex something. "Hey Alex?" she started. "Hm?" "can i ask you a question?" "Sure." "Well, when you kidnapped me, what exactly were you supposed to do with me?" she finally asked. He stiffened before answering. "I was supposed to....do you really want to know?" she nodded with curiosity in her eyes. He sighed. "Fine if you're that curious, i was supposed...to..kill you." Elizabeth widened her eyes. She was suddenly feeling faint and collapsed. All she heard before she passed out was Alex screaming her name. Soon she woke up leaning against a tree. I'm still in the forest. Wait, where's Alex?! She sat up fast and looked around and found..no one. Alex left her. She looked down beside her and found a note. She picked it up and began to read it,
  Dear Elizabeth, I'm sorry for leaving you. I thought you'd be safer with me gone. Don't worry i told the king that i killed you so you're safe. If they found you alive and that i didn't do my task, they'd probably kill both you and me. I also gave you a phone. You can find it in your pocket so if you need anything just call me. I already added my number to it. Be safe.
                       From Alex
Elizabeth finished reading the letter she checked her pocket for the phone. Once she found it she searched through the contacts until she found Alex's number. She immediately started to call him. After hearing the ringing sound stop and someones voice replacing it, Elizabeth shouted his name. "Alex!? Is that you?" she asked with hope that it was him. No one answered. Instead she heard fast footsteps and heavy breathing. "Alex?" she asked again. She was getting worried. Her worries turned into fear as she heard bushes rustling behind her and approaching footsteps. The snap of a twig startled the girl making her jump and trip on a stick behind her foot. She braced herself for impact but opened her eyes when she didn't hit the ground. Her eyes were filled with happiness as she smiled at the person who caught her. It was Alex. He pulled her up in a standing position before asking what was wrong. "Whoa don't hurt yourself. Now are you okay? Why did you sound scared when you spoke to me through the phone?" he asked with a concerned face. "Because you left me alone! In the woods! Don't you know how dangerous that is?" she screamed with tears brimming her eyes. He looked down. He did know how dangerous that was, but not as dangerous as the king. "Yes i do. But can't you see that i was trying to protect you. I thought they found you so i ran all the way back here just to save you. But, it doesn't look like you need saving." he said and looked disappointed. Elizabeth tried to make him feel better by making a joke. She climbed up a tree and started to act like she was stuck. "Help! Im stuck! I need a prince to save me!" she yelled out, emphasizing 'save'. He chuckled at her idea of making him feel better. He climbed up the tree to save Elizabeth. "I shall save this damsel in distress from this awful tree!" she giggled at him being heroic. She was glad to make him feel happier. He was actually laughing. Once they were on the ground they burst into laughter. After a long time of laughing Alex turned towards Elizabeth to tell her something. "Elizabeth," she stopped laughing and looked at him. She was still giggling though. "Yes?" he started getting closer to her. Whoa what is he doing? Why am i blushing? What's happening? He was so close their noses were touching. "You've got leaves in your hair." he said pointing at her head. Her face was tomato red when he said that. She picked the leaves out of her hair as he started laughing again. Why did he have to get so close to tell me that? How did i get leaves in my hair? "I think you have leaves in your hair cause as you were laughing your ass off you were rolling on the ground. Also i wanted to see your reaction if i was close to your face." he replied as if it was obvious. "Is my face that amusing to you?" she puffed out her cheeks. "Yeah kinda. Well we better get going, wouldn't want them finding you now do we?" he smiled getting up to offer her his hand. She lightly blushed while taking his hand. Why am i getting flustered all of a sudden? This never happened before. Isn't he just a friend to me or is he more? I don't know.
So their journey continued

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