New Love

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Still Elizabeth's pov (don't worry its gonna change soon)
What should i say? How do i respond to this? I mean i know Alex confessed like this but with Jake it feels different. Like this was supposed to happen to me, like i was supposed to be with Jake. No, i still have feelings for Alex. I have to decline. "I'm...very sorry Jake but...i can't say it back. I still love Alex." i apologized. His beautiful smile disappeared and turned into a sad frown. "Oh, that's okay. I understand. Boy, i feel stupid right now." he said disappointed. His arms that were around my waist fell to his sides. I kept my arms around his neck while trying to look into his eyes. "Hey are you okay?" i said even though i knew he wasn't. He just nodded his head. His red hair covered his eyes so i couldn't see if he was crying or not but i guessed that he was slightly. I kissed his cheek and let my arms fall to my sides. "We should get home, its getting dark and it gets cold at night." he said quietly. I nodded and we started walking towards the house. Why do i keep breaking people's hearts? I thought.
Normal pov
When Elizabeth and Jake arrived at the house they heard Alex. He was crying. Jake walked past Elizabeth and went straight to his room. Elizabeth walked to Alex's room to comfort him, or at least try. She softly knocked on his door. *knock knock* "Alex? Can i come in?" she asked. "No." he simply said. She went in anyway and sat in his bed. "Why Elizabeth? Why him? I thought you loved me. It seems like you don't." he said with a sad face. "That's not true. The truth is...i don't know who i love. I love you but i think I've grown to love Jake too." Liz said which made Alex a little mad but more surprised. "Y-you l-love Jake?" he stuttered. "I told you, i don't know who i love because i love you both. How did i get caught up in this mess?" she yelled almost crying. He held her in his arms as he ran his hands through her hair. She smiled at the feeling. She heard him say something like, "I forgive you." After a while she got up and went to apologize to Jake.
In Jake's room
"Jake? Is it okay if i come in?" Liz asked until she heard a faint 'yeah' from inside the room. She walked in to see Jake sitting on his bed. One leg up to his chest while his arm rested on top. He looked up at her then looked back down. She walked over and sat next to him. "Are you still mad at me?" she asked. He sighed. "No im not mad. I wasn't even mad before i was just disappointed." he said. She sighed in relief. "Good because i can't handle it when people are mad at me. I would do anything for them not to ignore me." she said. He got an idea. He remained quiet until she cracked. "Okay would you stop! Say something! I don't want to be ignored anymore." she whined. He smirked. "Would you do anything for me?" he asked. She nodded. "Then i want you to kiss me. I just want one more goodbye kiss." he stated. She blushed at this comment but got confused about the 'goodbye' part. He lifted up her chin slightly with his fingers and stared into her mismatched eyes. She stared back, her blush intensifying as she continued to stare. He pressed his lips against hers. She kissed back and closed her eyes.
Liz's pov(again)
I stared at his mesmerizing purple eyes as i felt my blush growing. He pressed his lips against mine. I kissed back and my eyes closed on their own. I really did enjoy kissing Jake. Maybe i am falling in love with Jake. Was what i told Alex about me loving him a lie? I will decide tomorrow.

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