Don't get caught

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Jake woke up in a bed that wasn't his own. He then remembered that he went to go stay at Alex's house. He got out of bed and went in the kitchen to find Liz and Alex eating breakfast. "Good morning sleepyhead." Liz greeted. "Hey." Jake simply said still tired.  He made himself a plate of pancakes and brought the syrup to the table. "So what are we going to do today?" Jake asked with a mouthful of pancakes. "We are going to go shopping again since Liz didn't get the chance to because someone kidnapped her." Alex said while glaring at Jake. Jake shrugged his shoulders and continued to eat. When he was done he got up to go get ready before Alex grabbed his arm. "Where do you think you're going? You're not coming with us." he said while shaking his head. "Why not?" Jake whined. "Because your gonna bring too much attention to yourself. I don't want Liz taken from me again." Alex argued. "When have i ever brought attention to myself?" Jake asked. "Um, remember that time when we were sent to get more locks for the broken cells? You kept yelling at me about how you didn't want to be there and how your legs hurt. You were acting like a baby. No way am i letting you annoy me again." Alex said making a point. Jake just sighed and walked to his room. "You didn't have to be so hard on him. He only wanted to hang out with us." Liz came up from behind Alex and put her hand on his shoulder. "But he always gets in trouble, causes other people trouble and cause me trouble. Why can't we have a peaceful day to ourselves without any one interrupting?" he asked wrapping his arms around her waist. "We can't leave him here alone. What if the king finds this place and takes him? I don't want anything bad happening to him while we're gone. Let him come with us." Liz told him. He sighed, "Fine but I'm not gonna be responsible for his actions." he agreed. She smiled and hugged him. "Jake! You're coming with us!" Alex yelled not that happy. Jake ran back into the kitchen and engulfed both of them in a hug. Elizabeth was the only one hugging back. "Thank you. Im gonna go get ready" Jake started to leave until Alex grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks. "Hold on, i think we should set some rules before we go outside. Jake no running around or whining. This way it'll make things easier to keep track of you. Got it?" Alex explained. "Yeah whatever." Jake said. He walked to his room to get ready for the day. "Now for your rules Liz." he turned towards Liz. "Mine? Why do i have rules?" she asked. "Because you always get lost and kidnapped. So your rules are to not get caught. Stay by my side." he said. "Why only your side? Why not Jake's side too since you both are gonna be with me." she asked. "Because I don't trust Jake. Even though we're friends i still don't like him. He is too childish. You'll start acting like him if you hang around him too much." he explained. "Well you never know what'll happen to me if i hang around him too much. Who knows. Maybe I will catch his childish ways. Maybe i won't." Elizabeth said. After that they left to get ready for their day out.

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