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'What is he talking about?' i thought as i looked at him confused. I looked down at myself to see that i was on fire. I didn't scream, i just stared. It wasn't burning, it was actually soothing. I looked back at the king to see he walked over to Jake and grabbed him by the neck and started choking him. "I told you to kill her! Why couldn't you follow orders?" King Jacob said. "Please...let her..live. Kill me...instead." he managed to get out. King Jacob smirked and said the word i would never want to hear. "Gladly." he squeezed his neck but didn't kill him because i shot a fireball at him. He screamed and dropped Jake. Jake held his neck while violently coughing. I ran over to him and held him in my arms. "Jake! Jake are you okay?" i asked worried. He nodded and asked, "How did you do that?" i shook my head, "I don't know. It just... happened. But I'm gonna use it to my ability. No one hurts my Jake. No one." i stood up and ran towards the king with my hands covered in fire. I tried to punch him but he blocked my attacks. I finally managed to get a hit on him and i knocked him back a couple of feet. He wiped his mouth and smirked. "My my, who knew such a little girl could have such strength. Your mother taught you well." i widened my eyes. I completely forgot that he still had my mother. I growled and shouted, "Where is my mother?! Tell me!" he just grinned even more and replied, "Im sorry to tell you but your mother is gone. She died from starvation." i was shocked. My mom is gone? How can this be? I couldn't save her and now she's gone. I never got to see her face, to hear her tell me that its gonna be okay. I started walking backwards while holding my head. I was breathing heavily and shut my eyes repeating King Jacob's words in my head. Your mother is gone. She died from starvation. I finally opened my eyes and looked around me. There was acid surrounding me. I looked up to see a mirror in front of my face. My eyes were glowing. My red eye was a fiery red and the other was a bubbly green. I looked at my surroundings and found out that i was in a white room. I was the only one there, at least that's what i thought. There was a woman coming towards me. I looked closer and saw that this women....was my mom. I started running to her with tears running down my cheeks like a waterfall. We hugged when we were in front of each other. All you could here in this empty place was my sobs. "Mom I missed you. Im so sorry that i couldn't save you. I met this boy and i fell in love with him. Im scared. What's happening to me?" i let out all my emotions to my mother. "Shhh​ don't worry. Im glad that you found someone. Now you don't have to live alone. I can explain what's happening to you." she said while running her fingers through my hair. I nodded at her to tell her that she can continue. She sighed. "Well this is happening because you were born with a special power of fire and acid. That's why your eyes are different. One is red for fire and the other is green for  acid. You have the power to manipulate those two. Isn't that great?" she explained. I got confused. "Wait, you didn't explain why this is happening now or how i can control it." i said crossing my arms. She just chuckled and replied with, "The reason why this is happening is because you wanted to protect the person you really love. You witnessed Jake, that's his name right?" she asked. I nodded. She nodded in return and continued. "You witnessed Jake get hurt right before your eyes. When you have a power it will only appear when you see the person you love either die or get injured. Yours appeared when you saw Jake get injured by the king right? By the way, the way to control your power is to calm your emotions. So, for example, if you're angry your power will spiral out of control and take over your mind and body. If you're calm then that won't happen. Get it?" she fully explained. I nodded and smiled. "Thanks mom. I love you." i said. "I love you too. Now go defeat the king, for me. Our time is up. Time to go back to the real world." she said while giving me a closed eye smile. I started panicking because i don't wanna go back. She just held my hand and told me that its okay because she'll always be with me. So will Jake in the real world. I returned to the real world and opened my eyes. I saw Jake above me, holding me in his arms, asking me to wake up. I sat up and looked at his relieved face. I smiled and hugged him before fully getting up. I turned to the king, eyes glowing and whispered one thing. "You're going down."

To be continued....

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