The Truth

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A little info on what Liz is doing. She is debating on whether or not she should tell Alex that she loves Jake. Okay back to the story.
What should i do? What do i say? How is he going to react when he finds out the person he loves found someone else? The worst thing is that he hates Jake and i love him. That's it, I'm gonna tell him. I walked up to Alex's room to tell him. I knocked on the door and heard a 'come in'. I went in and sat on his bed without looking at him in the eye. "Hey what's wrong?" he asked looking at me but i still didn't look up. I sat there in silence until i finally had the courage to actually tell him. I looked up at him with teary eyes because I've been silently crying. "Alex, i d-don't know h-how to tell you this but," i stopped to take a breath and continued. "I've fallen in love with Jake. I know you don't like him but i didn't want to keep this a secret from you. Please don't hate me or Jake. Im sorry." i said as i looked away. He sat there in shock, no words coming out of his mouth. He spoke up after processing this. "That's okay. I am upset but at least you told me. Im glad you were truthful with me. I just want you to be happy whether its with me, Jake or anyone else." he said with a frown which told me that he was more than upset. "Alex Im so sorry. Don't be mad. At least its not as bad if i didn't say you weren't my friend." i said trying to make him feel better. He just took my hands and pulled me off his bed. He led me to Jake's room and whispered 'go tell him'. I nodded before knocking on Jake's door and entering. He looked at me and smiled at me. I blushed at his smile. His smile makes me so flustered. I walked over to him and sat down. I was thinking of a way on how to tell him i love him without being an idiot. I just looked up at him before doing something he didn't expect. I kissed him. He was surprised that i kissed him first but soon kissed back. I wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist. We pulled away and i stared at his eyes. I finally said the words that's been clouding my mind ever since last night. "Jake i have something to tell you," "What is it?" he asked. " you." i finally confessed. He pecked my lips as soon as i said that and smiled. "About time. I love you too." he said while smiling. We cuddled after that all night.

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