The Fight

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~Previously ~
I turned to the king, eyes glowing and whispered one thing, "You're going down."
I ran towards King Jacob and started punching his stomach. My fists were covered in fire as i hit him one last time before jumping away. He tried to hit me but missed because i quickly moved out the way. He was almost about to fall but tried to catch himself because i formed a pool of acid below him. As he did this i threw fireballs at him. He was beaten up pretty bad but not bad enough. He needed to pay for what he did to my mother and to Jake. "It looks like your almost out of fighting spirit. Where's that smirk of yours now?" i said smiling like a crazy person. I've never had this much fun in my life. It makes my blood boil to see him alive. I will just have to kill him so i can live a peaceful life. I walked slowly over to his body and made an acid pool around him. It was burning his skin however it wasn't burning mine. He screamed in pain and tried to get away from it but i also created a fire wall so he wouldn't escape it. I was about to let out a loud, crazy laugh until i heard someone calling my name. I  turned around to see who called me and saw Jake crawling towards me. I also saw Alex in the background looking at me with wide eyes. I widened my eyes as well after realizing what i was doing and let the acid fade away and made the fire go away too. Luckily the king wasn't dead, just badly injured. I took my hair and noticed that the color was changing from blue to red and green. I tried to calm down so my power won't consume me but i couldn't. 'Im sorry mom. I couldn't control it. I wish you were here with me to tell me what to do.' i thought as i looked up to see Jake in front of me about to hug me. I helped him by hugging him tightly. I didn't realize that i started crying as i hugged him. I opened my eyes and saw Alex's concerned face. "Hey i know I've been kinda distant lately but can i get another chance?" he asked sheepishly. I nodded and opened my arms signaling that he can hug me. We all group hugged then i pulled away and looked back at the king. "Im so sorry. I didn't mean to almost kill you. I was just angry that you killed my mother and hurt Jake." i said while bowing. He had a scowl on his face and said, "Elizabeth, you are very strong. I understand that i can't match up to your power but i do want you to know something," i was very curious of what he needed to tell me. "I want you to know that...... this isn't over. I will kill you and rid you of this world. That is something i can't forget. I still want you dead." he finished. I gasped. 'Why does he want me dead? Is it my powers? Does he think I'm dangerous? No way. I need to find the reason.' i thought as i glared at King Jacob. I felt Jake pull on my arm telling me that it's time to go. I started walking with them thinking about my decision to fight the king. 'Maybe i should've killed him when i had the chance.'
~Time skip~
We arrived at the house and when i walked into my room i collapsed on my bed. "Phew im so tired." i groaned. "Well you did have a very shocking day. You fought the king." i looked towards my door to see Jake leaning on my doorframe. He walked in and sat next to me on my bed. I immediately hugged him while crying. "What have i done? Im sorry. You probably think I'm a monster." i said through my sobs. "I don't think you're a monster. I think you're beautiful." he said as he brushed my hair with his fingers. It calmed me down a little. "Thanks Jake. I love you." i whispered before falling into a deep slumber.

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