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At the kingdom Meredith is being held prisoner for insulting the king(yes you can go to jail for saying one word. ONE FREAKING WORD) "Are you having fun my little pet?" King Jacob asked while smirking. "That'll teach you not to insult a king. Especially your king." he told her. She tried getting up but was restricted due to the chains attached to the floor and her hands. He soon left after watching her struggle for awhile. You're the worst. Locking up women, treating them like toys. All i wanted was to save my daughter. Even i couldn't do that. I just hope she's safe.
"So, where exactly are we going?" Elizabeth asked. "We're going to my house where its safe." Hearing this Elizabeth's face got red at the thought of living under the same roof like they're  married with a cute boy. Wait did i just think he was cute? "Hey are you okay Elizabeth? Why'd you stop walking?" Alex waved his hand in front of Elizabeth's face to snap her out of her daze. She shook her head and nodded. "Im fine. Just thinking about my mother." she lied but then started to actually do that. How is she? Is she looking for me? Please be okay mom. "So Elizabeth, i was wondering if you were hungry. We've been walking around for so long you must be famished." Alex said. Elizabeth nodded her head. They started thinking of places they could go without being recognized. Soon they gave up and decided to eat at his house. He started on the food. "So Elizabeth, since we're friends can i call you Liz for short?" he asked. "Sure. All my other friends call me that. I don't mind." she replied. Alex was done making the food and set it at the table. It was something simple, chicken and vegetables. They started taking about random things until family was brought up. Alex stopped eating and looked down. "I...don't have my family anymore. They were both killed by orders from the king. He thought they were bad people because of their job." he said in a quiet voice. "They didn't do anything wrong. They just held debate and had people sign petitions for stuff. It was to help others in need. The king thought it was against his kingdom so he sent some of his men to kill them. I still don't know why he spared me. He took me in as his child but i feel more like a servant than a son. Its not fair! We had a good family life and he had to come and take it away from me!" tears were flowing down his face. Elizabeth wiped it with a napkin while thinking. The king ordered to have them killed. Why would the king do that? Alex was happy and he just had to take it away from him. I hope he doesn't do that to my mom. He already took my dad, i don't need my mom taken too. He will pay for what he did to Alex and I. I'm getting my revenge. "Its okay Liz. I'm fine. It happened a long time ago. I've gotten over it already." he said reassuringly as he held her hand. She felt a little better but she had a feeling that he was lying. She can tell by his facial expressions.
Alex's head hung low while his hair covered his eyes so he couldn't look at Liz. "Hey are you okay?" she asked putting her hand on his shoulder. He got up from the table putting their plates in the sink. "I think you should go to bed. Its getting late." he said still not looking at her. She sighed and got up following Alex to her room. During the night neither of them couldn't sleep. They were thinking about what happened at dinner.
Alex's pov
Why couldn't I look at her? Im so stupid. She was trying to comfort me and i pushed her away. She probably hates me. I was just getting angry and upset thinking about my parents. Maybe i should go and apologize.
Elizabeth's pov
Why would he ignore me? I was just trying to help him. Is it that bad to wonder about my friend's past? I want to get to know him more. He should apologize.
Normal pov
Alex walked to Liz's room to apologize. He knocked on her door and went in once he heard a faint 'come in'. "Hey can we talk?" he asked shyly.

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