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"Jake!Liz!Stop!" Alex yelled as he was running around chasing the two troublemakers.
{2 hours before}
"Yay we're here." Liz said once they walked into the store. "Okay now Jake don't go running off somewhere like I told you. Liz remember what i told you too, stay by my si-"Alex couldn't finish his sentence because Jake dragged Liz off somewhere. "Why does this always happen?" Alex said to himself as he followed them. He noticed they we're getting faster so he started walking faster to keep up. Soon they took off. He ran after they left. 'What did i tell you?' he thought as he chased after them.
~And now~
Alex's pov
Where are they? I've been looking everywhere for them and Im starting to get worried. What, i shouldn't worry. I want Liz to be safe. I do admit, I'm worried about Jake too. He may be annoying but he's a good friend. I hope he's protecting her. I should keep looking in case they're in trouble.
Elizabeth's pov
I wonder where Alex is. "Hey Jake," i started. "Hm?" he turned towards me. "Do you know where Alex is?"i asked. He put his finger on his chin thinking. Is that question really hard to answer? I studied his face to see if he was doing that to annoy me and i realized...he is quite handsome. The way his red hair falls on his face or moves in the wind. Those beautiful purple eyes that you could get lost in. His smile. His smile is everything. Wait what am i thinking? I have Alex not Jake. Alex is the one i love not Jake. However, Jake is the most sweetest thing possible. He cares about people, protects them. He can be very childish at times but that's what makes him so cute. "Elizabeth, did you hear me?" Jake waved a hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my ridiculous thoughts. "No sorry. What did you say again?" i shook my head. "I said, i think we accidentally left him." he sighed and ran his hands through his hair. I watched him do that until he looked at me and I looked away. I was blushing. Am i really blushing over Jake? He looked away chuckling before having a alert expression on his face. He quickly took my hand and pulled me into a nearby alley. I was about to say something until he covered my mouth. His hands are so soft. He looked around then breathed out a sigh of relief. "Good we're in the clear." he said turning towards me. "What just happened?" i asked confused. "Oh i saw some of the king's men looking around. I guessed they were looking for you, so i pulled you into this alley." he explained scratching the back of his neck. "Thanks." i said as i hugged him. He hugged back before pulling away. I saw his cheeks were a light pink. I giggled at this. I was going to suggest that we get out of the alley until he did something. He leaned forward and pecked my lips. I was so surprised. He blushed even more before saying, "Sorry, i j-just want t-to tell you something. I like you Elizabeth. Ever since i met you i thought you were pretty and sweet." he said before almost walking away. I grabbed his hand pulling him back. I lightly kissed him on the lips but i didn't expect him to kiss back. Especially because it was supposed to be a quick peck. I actually enjoyed it. His lips were soft like his hands. But this is wrong, im with Alex. I didn't pull away until i heard someone gasp. We pulled away to look at the person who was frightened by what they saw. I was growing pale by the second because the person was....
Who do you think it is? Is it a new character or is it someone else? Also do you like what i did with the Jake and Liz scene? I decided to add some drama for future chapters. A little conflict between the two boys. Find out next chapter😋

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