Gone Again

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Elizabeth and Alex arrived at a clothing store and Alex felt something suspicious in the store. He smiled when Elizabeth looked back at him to see what's wrong but his smile went away and he frowned while glaring when he saw someone staring at her. He grabbed her waist, pulling her close to him protectively. She didn't mind because she was too busy looking at all the cute clothes to notice. As she picked some clothes out she went to the dressing room to see if they fit. When she was out of sight Alex marched over to the guy staring at Elizabeth and grabbed his collar. "What are you staring at?" he growled. The guy just smirked, not answering. Alex let go of the guy when he heard a scream. Elizabeth's scream. He ran to the dressing rooms, ignoring the complaints from other customers about him not allowed in there. He was getting worried because she was nowhere to be found. "Elizabeth!" he yelled. She's been kidnapped again. He knew who it was.
Elizabeth's pov
Why does this keep happening to me? Where am i? Oh no, where's Alex?! "Hello? Is anyone there? Alex?" i yelled hoping to get someone's attention. Its so dark i cant see anything. "Not Alex sweetheart." i heard a voice in front of me but couldn't make out who it was. A light suddenly turned on and i looked around, finding out that I'm in a prison cell. I turned towards the person in front of me to find another boy. Why is it only boys who capture me? He looked about the same age as me and had short red hair. He had purple eyes (look at the picture). I never seen someone with purple eyes before. "Who are you?" i asked. "That doesn't matter. What matters is what the king is going to do to you in 2 days." the boy replied with a scary smile on his face. What is the king planning on doing to me? Is he going to kill me?! That's a possibility since he kills most people. "Are you going to kill me?" i asked even though i know the answer. "No that's the king's job. Anyways why are you still trying to talk to me? Don't you know the state that you're in right now because of me?" he asked with an unnoticeable hint of worry in his voice. Also hurt. "Yes but i think you're a good person under this shell that you created. I think you want to be good but aren't because you keep following the king's orders." i said trying to cheer him up. He looked shocked at what i said about him. He started blushing slightly before answering, "Jake. My name is Jake." he finally said his name. "Nice to meet you Jake. Im Elizabeth." i gave him a closed eye smile. We talked for awhile and i learned more about him. I learned that he was an orphan and the king took him in as his son. Also that he didn't have much friends so i offered to be his friend. When he said yes he hugged me. He pulled away but then he tried to kiss me. Wait, hold up! What makes this even more worse is that Alex came in just as Jake started leaning in. This isn't gonna go well.

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