Taken from me Liz's pov

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I should've known the king wouldn't give up. He just keeps ruining my life. First he took me, then he took mom what next. Is he gonna take​ my boyfriend too? Why does he want me so bad?

~Two hours before~
Alex. Jake. Why do i have to break people's hearts? I saw a person in the distance. I ran towards them. It was Alex. I hugged him but i heard sobs coming out of his mouth. I looked up to see his tear stained face. "Why did you pick Jake? Don't you love me?" he asked. I gasped and looked down. "I picked Jake because...i...love him now." i said. He was hurt by those words and disappeared. I looked around but couldn't find him. I soon saw Jake walk to me. I ran up to him crying saying im sorry. I looked at his face and he was smiling. The smile that i fell in love with. I pushed him away and started running. This is making me confused. Why? Why do i feel a pain in my heart? I ran into a forest and cried in my hands. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and it was the king. He dragged me by my hair and threw me in a pit of sharp rocks. I fell for a long time until i saw the tip of a rock growing as i fell. I was right above the rock until *SPLAT*
  "Ahhh!" i screamed but realized it was only just a dream. I walked out of my room to get a drink of water. I heard a faint noise in my room so i went to go investigate. I opened my door and found a person standing next to my window. They ran to me and put a cloth on my nose. I fell unconscious. 'Why can't i go through one day without being captured?'

Here i am, in the king's castle, next to the king. "So, why do you want me? Why did you capture me?" i asked. He sighed and answered with, "I don't need to answer that." i scoffed at that. Of course he does but i didn't pry more. I decided to keep asking because i just needed to know. He got angry and picked me up by my hair. He threw me across the room. As i hit the ground i coughed. That hurt really bad. I got up but he stepped on my back to prevent me from getting up. He stepped on me repeatedly as i screamed. As he picked me up i tried fighting back but it was no use. I just waited till it was done. 'Is this what the boys had to go through when they lived here? That's why Jake showed up at the house asking to stay.' i thought as i got hit in the stomach. Finally he was done when he heard something. I tried my best to listen and i heard someone calling my name in the castle. I think its Jake. He's come to save me! He ran into the main hall where we were at and growled. He charged at the king but he dodged it. He was still holding me as he dodged Jake's attacks. He left saying this isn't over. That he'll save me. As he left King Jacob brought me into a dark place. I realized it was a basement and ran to the door. He locked it before i could get to it. I sunk down to the floor and cried in my arms. Hopefully Jake saves me soon.

{Time skip}
I was still in the basement with a tear stained face. When i thought i wasn't getting out of there i heard Jake's voice. He's here! In the basement. I mumbled an 'im here' and i saw him walking towards me. He looked shocked because i was beaten up. I ran up to him and cried in his arms. "Shh its okay. Im here now. Don't cry. Let's get out of here." he said soothingly. I nodded and we walked out but the guards caught us and brought us to the king. Great, just when we were gonna escape. He saw us and smirked. "Now where do you think you're going?" he asked. I scowled at him. He didn't like that because he lunged towards me, about to hit me, until Jake stepped in and took the hit. He flew backwards and was bleeding. I widened my eyes at what i just witnessed. I started to get angry and glared at the king. "What? Are you mad? What are you gonna do?" he asked still smirking. I growled and ran to him. I felt my body getting hotter by the second. I looked at my hands and realized i was on fire. The king's expression was shocked. "So you finally showed your true power. Well this is gonna be interesting." he said. What is he talking about?
I realized that this chapter was a little intense. I felt like it added a little spice to the story. Anyways see ya next chapter.

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