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"Sure." Liz said. Alex sat beside her on the bed but didn't say anything. He didn't think of what to say before he went in there. After finally coming up with what to say he spoke. "Look I'm sorry for ignoring you at dinner. It was rude of me. I was just angry and upset talking about my parents to someone. I know you were just trying to help." he explained. "Its okay. I know what it's like to lose a family member. I lost my dad. The same way you lost your parents. The king." Alex widened his eyes in surprise but then felt sorry for Elizabeth. She started explaining how her dad died and how he didn't deserve it either. Tears were falling from her eyes immediately. Alex pulled her into a hug. She hugged back while crying into his shirt, soaking it with tears. He didn't mind because right now comforting a friend is his top priority. He pulled away from the hug, Liz still in his arms, and wiped the tears from her face with his thumb. He stared at her for awhile before slowly leaning in. She started leaning in too once she realized what he was doing. The gap between them was getting smaller until their lips pressed together in a gentle kiss. Alex kissed her gently like she was a fragile piece of glass. They pulled away and Elizabeth's face was red from embarrassment. Alex's face was also red. "I have something to confess if you haven't guessed it yet, i like you Liz. The first thing that caught my attention was your eyes." he cupped her cheek looking into her eyes. "They're very special. Just like you." he told her which made her feel better. After talking for awhile Alex left, leaving Liz to rest.
~ the next day~
Liz woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. She got out of bed and went to the kitchen to find Alex making breakfast. She snuck up from behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him on the cheek. "Good morning." she said tiredly. "Morning." he smiled and continued to cook the bacon. When he was done they sat down and ate. After breakfast Liz wanted to get new clothes since her current ones were torn and dirtied. She went back to her room to change back into her torn clothes because she was currently wearing some spare pajamas Alex gave her. When she was done changing Alex came in to tell her something. "Are you sure its a good idea to be going out when there could be some of the king's men searching for you?" he asked. Elizabeth's smile turned into a frown as he said this. "Don't worry. I'll be fine. Besides, even if they do find me i know i have someone to protect me." she said while hugging him. Alex blushed. He was still concerned for her safety but shrugged it off as they walked out the door, into the danger that awaits them.

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