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"So what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?" Alex asked Elizabeth as they were walking. Elizabeth stopped walking and answered. "Of course! I've been waiting for you to ask me that." she agreed before he leaned down and kissed her. She kissed back before they pulled away. They started walking to his house as a new happy couple.
~Over to the king and Jake~
"You fool! How could you let her escape?!" King Jacob shouted angrily. Jake knew he was going to get the beating of his lifetime. "I'm sorry sir." Jake muttered. He suddenly felt a stinging feeling on his face. The king slapped the shit out of him. Jake fell to the ground, not showing any sign of how bad his cheek hurt. His hair cast a shadow over his eyes as he stood up. "Sir, please, i didn't think she would find a way to escape. You have to believe me!" Jake lied defending Elizabeth. This made the king even more angry. He picked Jake up by his collar and threw him across the room. Jake hit the wall and coughed up a little blood. He's always getting beat up real bad by King Jacob for all the mistakes he's done.
Jake's pov
Why am i always the one getting beat up? I thought he said he was going to treat me like a son. Isn't he supposed to be a father to me? No, good dads don't abuse their son. Lies. They're all lies. Im just a toy, a pawn. Alex is the same except he still doesn't realize it. I have to get away from here before i end up dead. Once he's done torturing me i can escape.
Normal pov
King Jacob stopped hurting Jake and allowed him to leave. As Jake walked away the escape plan was in action. He went through the same door that he led Alex and Elizabeth through. Once he was outside he started running. He ran into the forest knowing Alex had a house out there. Once he found it he knocked on the door. Elizabeth opened the door and stared wide eyed at Jake. "Jake? What are you doing here?" she asked surprised. "Can i come in?" Jake asked out of breath since he was running and never stopped. "Sure" Elizabeth said stepping aside to let Jake in. Alex saw him and widened his eyes. "Jake?" was all he could say because he was too in shock to say anything else. "I ran away. I couldn't take it anymore. I don't want to live with the king anymore. Can i stay here?" he asked. Alex and Liz shared a look before turning back to Jake. "Of course." they said. Liz made some tea for Jake because he was in the cold without a jacket on. He explained all the pain he went through every day. All the scars, cuts, and bruises. Alex looked down while Liz hugged Jake trying to comfort him. "Thank you. You guys are the best." Jake said while smiling.
~At night~
They were trying to figure out the sleeping arrangements. "There's no way in hell im letting someone sleep in the same bed with my girl." Alex argued. "Then why don't you let him sleep in your bed while you sleep on the couch." Liz suggested. "Fine. As long as he doesn't try to get too close to you." Alex agreed. Then they all went to sleep. Alex had nightmares all night long of Liz falling in love with Jake instead of him. It was a peaceful night (except for Alex.)

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