Broken Heart

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Elizabeth's pov
The person standing before us was..."Alex?" i asked with shock. "How did you find us?" i asked while slightly pushing Jake away. It didn't do anything because we were still very close. "I was running around to find you two until i saw some of the king's men come from this way so i guessed that you were here. I didn't expect that i would be interrupting a moment between my girlfriend and best friend." he said the words 'best friend' with a voice that was dripping with hate and anger. "Alex, sweetie i di-" i couldn't finish my sentence because Alex interrupted me. "Don't call me sweetie! I thought i told you to stay away from him and look what you're doing. You ran off with him and kissed him! You kissed him! Why? Why Liz? I don't even know if I want to call you that anymore." he shouted as tears ran down his face. I tried to get close to him to comfort him but he pushed me back, hard. So hard that i fell on the ground. Jake came offering to help me up which i accepted. "Im sorry. I have something to confess. I kissed her first. She didn't start it. I only meant to protect her from the soldiers but it turned into something else." Jake explained hoping to convince Alex that it wasn't my fault. It wasn't any of our faults. I kissed him too as he did to me. "I don't care anymore. You guys can stay but I'm going to go home." Alex said while walking away. He left us there in silence. Awkward silence. "Alex.." i mumbled. "So do you still want to shop or do you want to go home?" Jake asked. I sighed and smiled. "We can still shop. I do need some new clothes." i said taking Jake's hand in mine and dragging him out of the alley. We had a good time, even after all that's happened. He made a promise to me, to always make me happy. He was very true to his promise. I was happy, thanks to Jake.
After shopping
"I had a great time today. Thanks for cheering me up." i told Jake. I started to walk away but i felt him grab my arm and pull me back. He brought me into a hug. "You're welcome. I was saying the truth though." he said while petting my hair. I looked up at him. "Telling the truth about what?" i asked confused. He just chuckled and answered. "You know, when i confessed to you earlier. Don't tell me you forgot?" he smiled. There's that smile I'll never forget. "No i just didn't know what exactly you were talking about." i replied blushing that i actually did forget. I just didn't want to admit it. "Good because i didn't want this to be awkward." he said before leaning down. I realized what he was doing and started to relax as i also leaned in. We both were leaning in until our faces were inches apart. I pressed my lips against his, closing the gap between us. He put his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. We soon pulled away, out of breath. "Elizabeth," "Call me Liz." i said catching my breath. "Liz, i love you." he said catching his breath too. Did he just say he loves me? Wow, i don't know what to say. I love Alex but i think I'm starting to fall for Jake now. I broke Alex's heart but fell for Jake's sweet one. What have i gotten myself into?

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