chapter 11

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Year two...
Sara's point of view: 

It's hard to believe it had already been a year since I joined forces with Mick and leonard and let's just say we've been making our names well known.
Life has been pretty good with all the money we steal we live quiet happily and the more time that has passed the more oliver and Nikki left my thoughts there where some days I still thought of them but now I guess you could say I found comfort besides of they where both alive I think I would honestly kill them for doing such a horrible thing to me.
Ya it's been two years and I'm still pissed off at that and I think I will hold onto that anger comes in handy when you have a run in with guards.

besides making a name for ourselves we also started a somewhat normal life besides stealing during the day leonard was the best brother lisa could ever ask for not to mention he was also her father in every way that counted in the backyard he built her a playground that lisa could play on every afternoon after school he also got her a kitty pool the backyard was now a place where all of us could be seen while lisa would play on her swings  mick would cook while me and leonard would watch lisa and drink a beer.

mick would teach lisa how to play football, baseball, basketball anything he could think of and lisa loved every minute of it he was her uncle in every way that counted just as leonard was her father but since everyone knew who heatwave and captain cold where they often stayed home and when they didn't it was to steal or go to the store or pick up lisa from school and thanks to my mask nobody knew who the black knight was and i liked it that way it made it easier for me to find jobs for us to do and while mick and leonard did there own thing i still worked at the cafe and i also taught self dense classes to kids i didn't want them to ever feel helpless no child should ever be hurt by there parent's.

i also changed my look from last year my blond hair was now dark brown with the tips purple and when i became the black knight i always had my hair in a tight bun so nobody would see the tips and connect the dots.

sara dear why don't you get your stuff it's slow why don't you go home said my boss making me smile you sure i asked go ahead sweetie go home to your little girl said my boss making my smile grew oh another thing people thought lisa was my daughter since i often brought her into work with me and my classes i didn't mind that people thought lisa was mine i actually liked the idea quiet a lot over the past year i have been developing feelings for leonard but didn't know if he felt the same for me so i didn't push it because i didn't want to ruin our partnership it aurally felt like i had a family now and i didn't want to ruin that.

thanks i'll see you Monday i said grabbing my bag yes you will said my boss making me laugh i really did love my job i quickly took off my apron and pulled out my keys as i headed for mick's jeep that he let me brow for today since my car was still being fixed from our last job looking at the time i realized that lisa was almost due to coming home from school quickly drove to lisa's school which was the best school in central city i wanted her to have everything i didn't growing up and yes the begining was a little rough but now she was loved and she felt safe that was more then me and nicole ever had.

pulling up to lisa's school i got out and leaned against the jeep waiting for the bell to ring that would let out my favorite little girl who would of thought this would be my life right now i sure didn't i always thought i'd be alone and maybe get myself killed from doing a job that went bad almost like our last job last year i thought tracing the scar on my arm that i got from being shot it wasn't nothing serious but it could of been a lot worst and i had leonard and mick to thanks for keeping me alive.

SARA!!!! yelled lisa making me laugh as she ran down the steps and into my arms hey monkey how was school i asked taking her backpack fun we got to make an moutian out of ice cream said lisa making me shake my head your teacher's smart hops you on sugar and then sends you home so we have to handle you huh i said helping lisa into the back of the jeep since she was too young to sit in the front seat she waited for the end of the day said lisa making me chuckle i knew it i said closing her door you have a beautiful daughter said a stranger making me jump i turned around to see a man that stood at 5'3 he had blond hair and blue eyes he had an tattoo of a snake that was on his neck thank you i said softly she looks just like you said the man she looks like her father i said wanting to get away from this man quickly i just had an off feeling about him i could tell lisa felt the same she looked nervous as the man looked at her through the jeep's windows.

don't take your eyes off of her they grow up in a blink of an eye said the man walking away making me let out a deep breath i had no idea what that was about but i had a feeling that something bad was about to happen in the pit of my stomach and i didn't like the feeling not at all.

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