chapter 48

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Sara's point of view:

Come on I said helping Lisa with her stuff all while blancing Tris and her stuff im hurrying mommy said Lisa grabbing her backpack While closing the car door and then grabbing my free hand we quickly walked up the stairs leading To our shared house where home I yelled letting go of Lisa hand wow I didn't expect you til later said Barry with a grin something came up I said too much information said Barry not like that I said whacking Barry in the chest im leaving for a few days and I need you to watch the girls I said where are you going asked Barry I got a visitor today I said placing Tris in her high chair while placing the rest of the stuff on the chair.
Who where the hell are you going asked Barry Mick came by to see me at Steve's I said making Barry eyes widen Mick as in Mick Rory asked Barry he's the only Mick I know I whispered hugging myself once again.
What the hell is Mick doing here he knows he's not suppose to come anywhere near you or Lisa said Barry getting angery Hey hey calm down I said grabbing Barry Arm to call him down Barry he says Leonard is still alive I whispered making Barry stop mid sentence that's impossible said Barry that's what I thought too someone sent Mick a photo of leonard from last month hes alive I need to know if he's alive Barry I said it's too dangerous said Barry Barry please I might have a chance to go save the man I love save Lisa's father you where there the past year you saw how bad the both of us got without him if there's even a slightest chance I can bring him home to my daughter I have to try I said.
Barry let out a harsh sigh before letting out a breathe of air I'll watch the girls said Barry making me smile thank you Barry I said wrapping my arms around his neck hugging him tightly anything for my favorite thief said Barry making me laugh I love you Barry Grant Allan I said making his smile and I love you Sara Caity Lance said Barry kissing my cheek go get your man I'll come up with a cover story for Steve and the team said Barry thank you I whispered before running up to my bedroom to pack a travel bag which didn't take long it took me a half an hour and then I was all set to go as I ran back downstairs when will you come back mommy asked Lisa with her big blue eyes I'll be back as soon as I possibly can be good for uncle Barry and auntie Laurel okay I said I'll be good said Lisa making me laugh You promise I said kissing two fingers holding them out for her Lisa just smiled before kissing her fingers then touching mine promise I love you mommy said Lisa wrapping her arms around my neck I love you sweetheart to infity and beyond I said making Lisa laugh before letting me go I pressed a kiss to her forehead I'll be home soon I said before walking to Tris who was starting at me with wide blue green eyes I'll be back Beatrice I promise I said picking up my youngest daughter inhaling her baby sence I gently kissed her head before placing her back down I'll be home as soon as I can I said hugging Barry one last time before grabbing my bag and walking out of the house I slowly​ made my way to my car before leaning my head against the car window please be alive I whispered turning around to grab my bag but I let out a gasp my duffle bag was floating in mid air god I said placing a hand over my beating heart sometimes I forgot I had powers I usually didn't like using them but since I was now going after my supposedly​ dead lover I could use my powers to my advance.
Slowly I grabbed my floating duffle bag and placed in the backseat of my car Before climbing into the passenger seat and letting out a deep breath hang on babe im coming.

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