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Simon's POV

I lean up against the old brick wall that separates the school grounds and the public. I unzip my jackets pocket and pull out a box of cigarettes and my plain black lighter. I open the box filled with the things that'll soon enough kill me and pull one out. I place the cigarette in-between my lips before putting the rest back into my pocket. In one swift motion, I ignite the lighter - making a small, orange/red/yellow flame appear. I light my cigarette up and instantly take in some of the deadly toxins. The flame from the lighter goes out and I place my lighter back into my pocket.

"That's going to kill you one day, you know." Tobi, one the only people that doesn't smoke - along with Vik - says, pointing to the cigarette now in-between my fingers as I exhale the smoke. "I don't fucking care..." I mutter. "Simon..." Josh says as he looks at me. "What?" I ask bluntly as I turn to face him. "What're you actually going to do if you have a tutor?" He asks. I shrug, "If it's a hot female, I'll just probably fuck her. If it's male, then I won't show up." I simply say. "Guarantee that your tutor'll be Samantha." Vik says. Everyone nods, "More than likely." Ethan says. "Shut up guys!" I snap, making them become silent. "I ain't having no fucking tutor." I grit my teeth. "Bu-" "I said I'm not having one, got it." I say sternly as I glare into their eyes. "Fine..." Josh mumbles quietly. Everyone else just stays silent, just how I like it.

"Now, let's fucking go..." I grunt as I throw my cigarette onto the ground. I then push past everyone before walking off, back inside. They soon follow closely behind.


Samantha's POV 

I'm sat in English when the headteacher, Mrs. Moore, walks in. "Hello Mrs. Moore." My English teacher, Mr. Davidson, smiles as he turns to face her. "Can I borrow Samantha Davis please?" She asks as she looks at me. "Sure." Mr. Davidson smiles widely. I stand up and grab my things before rushing out. I always hate being called out in front of everyone, it just freaks me out. 

I stand in the corridor and wait for Mrs. Moore as she's in heels, so she can't walk as fast. "May I ask what this about?" I ask as we walk down the empty corridor side by side. "You'll find out soon." She says, flashing me a warm smile. "Okay." I nod.

We get near to her office when I see Simon Minter - the biggest fuckboy in the school - along with two security guards stood, waiting. I take in his appearance; his tall stature which intimidates everyone. His eyes, and how they look right into your soul, making it almost impossible to look away from him. His jaw, and how it can cut a bitch. He wears all black; black joggers, black t-shirt, black jacket, black shoes, black everything. I'm not scared or intimidated by him. I'm more... Intrigued by him. He's mysterious, and that's what intrigues me about him. I want to find out more about him.

"Come on in you two." Mrs. Moore says as she opens her office door. I walk in first, with Simon close behind. "Sit." Mrs. Moore smiles as she sits behind her desk. I obey and sit down. Simon doesn't. Instead, he stands right behind me. "Simon, sit down please." Mrs. Moore says more sternly. "No." Simon says. I look back at him to see him with a smirk on his face, like it's a game to him. Mrs. Moore sighs, "Fine."

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