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The old library light flickers above them. She sits in peace as she reads the book she found out loud to him. He listens in awe as she perfectly reads each individual word of the pages. His piercing blue eyes stay locked onto her. 

She glances up at him every now and then to see him smiling softly, whilst watching and listen in awe. She never forgets to flash him a smile back above the book.

The soft sound of the wind blowing against the leaves on the nearby trees is the only thing to be heard - minus the soft melody of her voice. Apart from that, the room is so quiet, you could hear a pin dropping onto the floor. It's nice though. It's peaceful. Tranquil in fact. It's like they're in their very own get away place.


Faint creaking coming from the doors makes them look over. Two voice can be heard shortly after. He sighs as he looks back at her, slightly annoyed that their little 'alone time' has been interrupted. Their alone time has been disturb.

She closes the book carefully before standing up. He stands up shortly after. She makes her way to the shelf where she found the book, and puts it back in its spot. Where it stands with the many other books on the shelf. They intertwine their fingers together before walking out, to find somewhere else to be alone.



Five PM rolls around, and the pair find themselves in the lunch hall, along with many other people as it's almost time for dinner. 

The pair sit next to each other; holding hands under the table, like they're afraid to loose one another. 

Some people look at them in slight shocking, seeing as they're what everyone considers polar opposites. They ignore them though. Well, you would if you were madly in love with someone. You would if you though you've found your soulmate.

The pair chat quietly among themselves. Talking about whatever comes to mind. School. Friends. Fake friends. Their future. Life. Anything really. They laughed. Debated. Listened. Understood. Etc. It's refreshing. 



Ten past five rolls around. The other guys have now joined the pair.

They caught up with one another, since they haven't seen each other in a few hours or so. They spoke about what's happened over the last couple of ours. One of them (Tobi) has finally got a girlfriend. Who's this girlfriend? Ruby. Tobi and Ruby are now a thing. The pair - Simon and Samantha - act happy, but on the inside they want to tell Tobi, and the others what's happened between her (Ruby) and them. But, they don't want to break Tobi. 

Tobi is like Samantha. He's got a heart of glass, and is very easy to break. 

One of the others (Josh) is thinking of taking his girlfriend (Freya) to Bora-Bora when school is over with. 

The slightly dorky, but cute one (Vik) is thinking for surprising his girlfriend (Kayleigh) when school ends. Unfortunately, them two go to different school. They met a few years back at a party, and it was love at first sight. The guys are still a little shocked they're still together, in all honestly. 

The loud one (JJ) is throwing a party once school is over with. He's inviting everyone in the school, plus people from the other nearby schools. He says it's going to be great. 

Another loud one (Ethan) is just going to spend some quality time with his girlfriend (Emily) and his mum. He misses them, bless him.

The youngest (Harry) is flying back to Guernsey just before school ends to see his parents, his brother, his sister, and his girlfriend (Katie). The only time he gets to see them usually is either on his birthday - rarely - or at Christmas - again, rarely.

Who knew some of the biggest jerks in school - minus JJ - just want to spend quality time with the people they care about?   


Thanks for 5.1K reads!

Also, forgot to mention that the next few chapters are going to be written like this!

Tutoring The Bad Boy ➮ Simon Minter ✓Where stories live. Discover now