Chapy Ten.

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"Good. Mountain climbers for 30 seconds." Daniel demands and i do it.

He worked me to pulp for the last hour. It's not stop it was this now it's this. You earned it.

I fucking hate it.

"Now, you're on your own. Keep doing shit until everyone else leaves. Which is another hour." He says. I nod and he leaves.

I sigh and start everything over. Getting in a push up position, i start to do 50.

When done, i wiggle my arms, to get the feeling out. Then i do 50 sit ups. Since i didn't have anyone to hold me feet down, i use the wall. It has a little bar there to put my feet on.

After i finished i did 50 of those cross over crunches.

When dome with that, i grab my water and take a break. Which i might get in trouble for. Oh well.

"You're right. We should take a break," I hear someone, i see it's that boy that said "just let her go" earlier, "what's your name?"


"I'm Zach." He shake hands.

"It's really awesome having someone from Harry's gang here." He said while i take a sip of my water.

"How so?" I ask.

"Harry's gang is popular. Everyone tries to get in but they can't. Like you said, Harry needs you. Secret little weapon."

"Zach, if someone tells you that, it's a secret. Hence the word...secret?"

He laughs.

"You seem lonely over here, want to come over with us?" He says after a few minutes.

"Are you sure? I mean, no one ever invites me anywhere." I mumble the last part.

"Of course i'm sure! And we would like to get to know you. You will be here when we are for the next six months."

I smile at him and follow him to everyone. They see me and glare.

Zach says to me, "don't worry. They're just jealous."

I nod and continue my workout.

"So, how's Brad to you?" Zach asks.

I look at him and blush, "he's so sweet and protective of me. When Harry and i fought, he cleaned me and took care of me. When i'm sad he cheers me up and when he's sad i do the same. He is Niall's brother, and i did fix Niall up when he was shot. I know they don't need it, but i'm protective over all of them. But Brad, he showed me there is always a chance and never to give up. No matter how much i tell him to stop, he won't stop showing me how beautiful i am. I just love him to bits and pieces." I ramble on.

Zach nods, "Niall was shot?"

"Yeah, we were at this one warehouse stealing what they stole from us back. I chased him and fought him, he almost killed me but Harry killed him." I answer.

"He still has stitches actually. And i'm going to take them out when they visit me in two days."

"They're lucky they have you. N-not like they would be in deep shit if they didn't."

"I know what you mean."


"Good job today Jessica. I'll see you tomorrow at 11:00 and then at 5:00." Zach said.

"Ight!" I say and walk to the shared apartment.

There, i take a shower and get into some sweats and a tank top.

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