Chapter Thirteen.

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*Brad's PoV*

"I'm sorry babe." Jessica mumbles and walks away.

She is sorry, i can tell. I had no right to blow up on her. As much as i'm angry with her, i overreacted. I need to talk to her.

I look at the boys, "go talk to her, she needs someone right now." Zayn says. "I know." I say and walk up to her.

When i get there, she was cuddled with my pillow and was sleeping. She has tears on her cheeks and her eyes were red around the outside, Mitch was eating his food.

I sit down next to her and climb over her. I lay down so we're spooning. I lift her head and put my arm there, she uses it as a pillow. I then put my arm around her.

"I'm so sorry," I say to myself, "i love you." I kiss her bare shoulder, she was wearing a tank top.

A while later, she wakes up. She looks down at Mitch, then turns her head to me. She rolls around facing me. Her eyes become teary and she takes in and out a few sobbed breaths, "i'm so sorry." She sobs.

I pull her close to my chest, "it's okay. I forgive you. Please forgive me."

"Of course i forgive you," She kisses my chest, "but next time hear me out!"

"I will. I promise." I smile and kiss her.

I hug her and rub small circles on her back, "Niall and i's parents found us."

She looks at me, "what?"

"And they're coming to take us home."

She shake her head and sit up, "no! They can't!"

"I know they can't love. Which is why we're all going to the beach for a few days."

She smiles, "are we going to be safe there?"

"Yes, i promise."

"Promise is a big word babe."

"I know." I reply and sit up as well.

"When do we go? What about Mitch?" She rambles.

"We go today, and he will be staying at Drew's house."

"Drew, as in the guy from the gym?"

"Yes." She nods.

"Well, let's start packing," She says and stands. I stand as well and we grab a suitcase for ourselves, "how long are we staying?"
"A week."
"Okay." She goes to her clothes and starts to pick out outfits.
When she picks out a few shirts, she puts them on the bed.

I begin to pack.

"You know, i've never been to a beach." She admits. I look at her, "what?!"
"Yeah, i know."
"Well, i'm going to make sure you remember this." I kiss her.

*Jessica's PoV*

When we finish packing everything, i grab a leather jacket and out that on top of my suitcase.

I go over to Niall's room and see him packing, "you need help?"
"Nah, i'm good. Thanks for offering though."
I nod, "Brad and i made up. A few tears came from me of course." I chuckle.
"That's good."
I sit down on his bed, "i never went to the beach before."
"That's what Brad said." I smile.
"I'm going to make sire you remember this."
"Again, what Brad said," I laugh out, "i'm going to the other boys's rooms."
"Okay love."

Getting up i go to Louis room, "hey LouBear!"
"Hello love!"
"Need help?"
"Yeas, could you grab my toothbrush?"
Walking to tue bathroom, i grab his toothbrush and give it to him.
"You're a sweetheart! Thanks!"
"You're welcome." I hug him.
"I heard you tell Niall you were never at a beach before?"
"Yes," I smile, "i know i know. You're going to make sure i remember it."
"How'd you know?" He laughs with me.

Going to Zayn's room, i offer help.
"I'm okay, thanks for the offer."
I nod.
Again, i tell him i was never at a beach before. He says "what?!" You know the drill.
"I can't believe that." He shake his head.
"Well, my parents did keep me locked up." I shrug.
He hugs me and i hug back, "a sweetheart like you shouldn't be locked up."
I blush, "i'm going to Liam's room."
"Okay love." He kisses my head and i walk to Liam's room.

"Heyo!" I smile.
"Hey love!" He hugs me, "no need to tell me you were never at a beach. I heard everything, and yes. I'm going to make it rememberable."
I smile and break from the hug.
"Need help?"
"I should be fine, thanks."
I nod.
"Are you and Brad okay?"
"Good,i hate when you guys fight."
"Me too. I'm going to Harry's room."
"Alright love."

Walking to Harry's room, i say hi and sit down.
"I heard you were never at a beach?" He smile.
"No." I blush.
"I'll make it rememberable love."
"Everyone else said that." I smile. It was silent for a little, but he broke the silence, "i'm REALLY sorry for pushing you earlier. I didn't mean to. It's just i can't stand seeing you sad, and Brad angry at you. It breaks my heart to even think you ever cried."
"It's okay, i forgive you." I smile.
"Does your head hurt?"
"Not anymore, just when it's touched."
He looks at me and hugs me tightly, "i'm so sorry."
"It's fine Harry." I smile and hug back.
We hug for a while, then we break, "i'm sorry about hitting Brad too."
"It's fine, he forgives you too." I smile at him.
"Need help?"
"Yes actually, can you run down to the market down the street and get some things for me? I'll pay."
"Sure Hazza!"
He gives me a list of things, like extra things we need. Like shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste. You know those kinds of things. And some money to cover it all.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome." I say, i go over and grab shoes.

I tell Brad and he says, "can i go?"
He gets his shoes on and we leave.

Walking to the market, we go inside and start to get everything we need. When we get about half the list, Brad tenses up. I look at him, "what's wrong?"
"My parents." He says and grabs my hand. I look and see his parents there.
They see us and smile, they come over, "hello Brad!" They say, "where is Niall?"
"Why do you care?"
"Cuz were here to bring you home."
He shakes his head, "i'm happy where i am. Niall is happy too. No one can change that."
They look at me, "this your girlfriend?"
"Yes. And i would like if you don't say "this" to her. She's a she, not a thing." He snaps.
"What's her name?"
"I'm Jessica." I pip in.
"She talks!" The dad says.
"So do you!" I say to him emotionless and harsh.

"We'll stop by later for you two." The dad says and walk off with the mom.
I look at Brad and hug him, "we're going to be safe, i promise."
"I know that. Can we hurry and leave for the beach please?" He muffles.
"Of course."

We get everything else we need quickly, and then purchase everything.

We grab the bags, which was two, and start to walk home.

When we get there, i give the stuff to Harry. Brad tells Niall about what happened.

"Jess, we need to remove your stitches." Harry tells me. I nod, "here?"

"Yeah." He grabs the stuff he needs to remove the stitches and i lay down. He crouches down, soon removing the stitches.

I put my head down on a pillow.

He finishes minutes later and check it out, "it's healing pretty good. Just take it easy for a little."

"I still can go in sand and water, right?"

"Of course, it's just healed, but not yet complexly." He says and kisses my head.

I sit up and grab my suitcase. Walking downstairs, i put it in the car next to Brad's.

I look at him, "you okay?"

"Yeah, i'm just still shocked up i guess." He bites his thumb nail. I pull him in for a hug, "we'll be fine. I promise."
"I know we will."

We hug for a while, soon, i use the bathroom, grab a water bottle and get in the car.

Everyone climbs in and we set out for a long trip.

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